Private Preview for Top Maplers

We held an exclusive invite-only event on 13 May 2017 – to show them what’s in store!

What happened:

Top players in Singapore were invited to our private event at Second Story Café, along with a friend,
to show a preview of upcoming patch details, as well as to celebrate the massive upcoming event. It
was an afternoon of fun, games and of course, MapleStory!

What we gave out:
$5,000 worth of Razer peripherals and plushies!

As the highlight of the event, the best of the best Maplers attempted to beat Lucid Hard Mode.
Unfortunately, they were unable to defeat her, and we now have a standing challenge to defeat
Lucid Hard Mode
, where the first players to defeat Lucid will be immortalized forever!

MapleStorySEA thanks Mountain Dew, for supporting this event.