Tera Burning+

Blaze through the heat as you BURN your way to level 200 with (1+2) leveling and get rewarded with tons of rewards!
Event Period
25th May 2022 (After Patch) - 2nd August 2022, 2359hrs

Event Rewards

Chase your destiny and receive support gifts to accelerate your growth!
Note: You can redeem these gifts on a Tera Burning or Tera Burning Booster character!
Tera Burning Booster can be used until 16th August 2022, 2359hrs, and you can receive the Burning Booster effect and the same level of growth support rewards as the Tera Burning character for 6 weeks from the time of use.
Mysterious Secret Box
A 90 days pet companion to start off your Maple adventure.
Lv30 Equipment Box
Decent starter pack equipment set.
Legendary Secret Box
A secret box known to contain a powerful equipment set.
Limited-time Root Abyss Set Box
Full set of 12 Stars Epic Root Abyss of your job that last for 90 days.
Core Gemstone x30
Use to enhance powerful 5th job skills of your job.
Eternal Flame Title Coupon
A powerful title that only a Tera Burning character can obtain. Title comes with powerful stats that last for 90 days.
Tera Burning Booster
A special gift after reaching Lv200 on your FIRST Tera Burning character during the event period.
Core Gemstone x60
Use to enhance powerful 5th job skills of your job.
EXP Core Gemstone x5
Powerful experience core to upgrade your V Core.
Eternal Flame Ring Coupon
A powerful ring with Unique potential wield by a true Tera Burner!

Special Rewards

Go even further beyond your Destiny! Special rewards awaits your arrival!
Note: You can only obtain Lv215 and Lv220 rewards only ONCE during the entire event period.

Growth Potion Coupon
Powerful Growth Potion of your choice to boost your character's level!
Absolabs Weapon Box
A fully 70% Spell Traced, 17 Star Unique Absolabs Weapon of your job.
Dominator Pendant Box
A fully 70% Spell Traced, 15 Star Unique Dominator Pendant.