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News & Events

@Cash redemption rewards at WCG Malaysia | 16.07

Dear Maplers,

Here is your chance to redeem MapleStory Premiums with your Used PPC at WCG Malaysia!

Where can I redeem MapleStory Premiums?
Location: 3rd Floor, Mid Valley Exhibition Center, Hall 1 - Booth 118

When can I start to redeem the MapleStory Premiums?
Date: 16 July 2010 - 18 July 2010
Time: 10am to 10pm

List of MapleStory Premiums to redeem:
RewardsUsed @Cash Value
MapleStory Pepe Large Size500,000
MapleStory Yeti Large Size500,000
MapleStory Cargo Large Size500,000
MapleStory Mushmom200,000
MapleStory 3rd Anniversary Figuring180,000
MapleStory Aran T Shirt - Black Colour80,000
MapleStory Aran T Shirt - White Colour80,000
MapleStory Water Bottle70,000
MapleStory L Folder30,000

Grab your Used PPC and redeem these items today!

- MapleSEA Administrator

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