CNY GM Event : Prosperity Shout Out! | 31.01
Dear Maplers,
This is the best time to get lucky in our MapleSEA’s
Chinese New Year Prosperity Shout Out! Event!
Follow the instructions of the event on the 5th and 6th February 2011 and stand a chance to walk away with a
Sand Bunny Chair!!!
Sandy Bunny Chair
Event Schedule
Event Details
• This event will be held at
Channel 11 in-game. Event timing will be announce in-game before the event starts.
• Watch out for the announcement to gather at which town that will be made by GMs before the event starts.
• Search for the Heart Balloon in the town that was released by the GM to look at the shout out message. |
• Type out the shout message correctly using any Maple TV Messenger. Replace IGN with your own character’s IGN correctly. |
• The first 5 maplers of each town to have their messages displayed in Maple TV correctly without any mistake will be deem the winners! |
• Shout out messages will be held at 4 different towns. Each town will have 5 winners each.
Rules & Regulations
• Players who use hack, offensive, sexual, abusive representations etc. will be dealt with according to our User Abuse Policy.
• Each character is only allow to win once.
• Players found to be disrupting the event progress will be banned 7 days for event disruption.
• The GM’s decision will be final and binding.
– MapleSEA Administrator
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