Facebook Thieves' Code Event | 19.10
Dear Maplers,
It has been whispered in the shadows that a Secret Thieves’ Code will be broadcast for a certain period of time, and when acquired, it can be used to be tested in a game of wits. An item of value will be given to those who do complete the test, and it is said it will greatly help them in the war between Lady Syl and the Dark Lord!
Event Dates
The Thieves’ Code will be broadcast on the
MapleSEA Facebook Page on the following dates before the events are held in game.
The event timing to be held for each individual world server are stated as the table below:
The valuable item is a
2 Hours 2X EXP Special Coupon!
How to Participate
1. Maplers are to visit the MapleSEA Facebook site on the stated date of the event for their server and wait for the code to be published.
2. Upon acquiring the code, They will have to enter the game on the stated time of the event, and enter the location which will be broadcasted.
3. Then, they are to enter the locked game the GM has set up, and enter the code as the password.
4. If you win the game against our GM, you will get the prize as reward!
5. GM will give the prize redemption code immediately to the winner.
Rules & Regulations
• Players may choose to use any character in the event.
• Each character is only allowed to challenge for a maximum of 2 tries per session. This is to ensure that all players will get a chance to take part in the event.
• Players who act in a sexually explicit, harmful, vulgar, obscene, racially, ethnically or any other inappropriate behavior will be disqualified and dealt with in accordance to our User Abuse Policy.
• Players found to be disrupting the event progress will be banned for 7 days for event disruption.
• Asiasoft Online will not replace any lost or expired redemption codes. Users are advised to redeem the code as soon as they received the code via their Email Address.
• The GM’s decision is final and binding.
Keep yourself updated with the event and the Thieves’ Code at the MapleSEA Facebook site!
-MapleSEA Administrator
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