Hyper Dash 2011 March School Break Event! | 11.03
Dear Maplers,
Image credits: “A amusing anonymous Mapler”
To celebrate the upcoming march holiday, our GMs are here to host Hyperdash event for the players!
Players are able to get a chance to win
Devil’s Scroll 
after dashing their way through all the 4 stages of obstacles within the time limit.
Hyper Dash is a race through various different obstacles. Players will need to overcome the obstacles and reach the final destination in order to win the event. Players are not able to use skills such as teleport, haste or use speed potions.
Please keep the Event Trophy

safe, a souvenir for entering the event for the
next up-coming event in March 2011!
Event Period:
13th to 19th March 2011
Event Timing:
1630hrs to 1700hrs
Event Schedule
World/Date | 13th March | 14th March | 15th March | 16th March | 17th March | 18th March | 19th March |
Aquila | EVENT | | | | EVENT | | |
Bootes | | EVENT | | | | EVENT | |
Cassiopeia | | | EVENT | | | | EVENT |
Delphinus / Eridanus | EVENT | | | EVENT | | | |
Fornax / Gemini | | EVENT | | | EVENT | | |
Hercules | | | EVENT | | | EVENT | |
Izar | | | | EVENT | | | EVENT |
Event Details
- This event will be held in game in Lith Harbour, Channel 11.
- The game consist of four levels, time limit is 15 minutes.
- During the event, players are not able to use teleport, haste or any potions that will boost their speed.
- Players are to gather near NPC Jean at Lith Harbour.
- When the event starts, an announcement of the event will be shown in the chat box:(The event is now open. Please click on the Event NPC to enter the Event Map).
- Once you are in the Event room, stay tune for the announcement made by GMs on the official start of the event.
- Once the event has started, players will need to overcome the obstacles in order to reach the final destination.
- Once you have reached the 4th stage portal you will be announced the winner of the event!
- You will be awarded with Devil Scroll by NPC Pietro
- Each character can only participate once every 24 hours.
Rules & Regulations
• Players may choose to use any character in the event.
• Players who use hack, offensive, sexual, abusive representations etc. will be dealt with according to our User Abuse Policy.
• Players found to be disrupting the event progress will be banned 7 days for event disruption.
• The GM’s decision will be final and binding.
– MapleSEA Administrator
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