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News & Events

Run! Reaper, Run! Event | 30.10

Dear Maplers,

As Halloween drew nearer, GMLyones's little Jr. Reaper side-kick grew more and more restless. GMLyones tried everything she could to find out the reason behind it, but the stubborn Jr. Reaper refused to tell her. When the day of Halloween came, the Jr. Reaper suddenly disappeared!

With the help of the other GMs, GMLyones searched everywhere but they couldn't find it. After discussion, they concluded that the Jr. Reaper must have hid itself within the shadows of the Maple World and it is impossible for them to find it just by themselves. So, they decided to enlist the help of Maplers to catch the Jr. Reaper!

Event Date & Time
Date:31st October 2009 (Saturday)
Time:1630 hrs for Aquila, Fornax / Gemini, Hercules
 1700 hrs for Bootes, Cassiopeia, Delphinus / Eridanus

How to Participate

• A 30 digit redemption code for the Jr. Reaper pet will be slide across the top of the screen.

• Each redemption code will have 2 missing digits masked with question marks.

• Participant has to take down the redemption code and guess the missing digits.
  (Hint: Get a pen and paper ready)

• Participant will have to enter the Cash Shop and type the 30-digit redemption code (without the dash sign “-“), complete with the missing digits.
  (Hint: Each masked digit ranges from numbers 0 to 9)


• The participant who can redeem the Jr. Reaper pet successfully is the winner.

• 1 Jr. Reaper pet will be given out for each world, so stay alert to get this tricky Jr. Reaper!

Rules & Regulations

• Players will be allowed to use any character for this event.
• Disciplinary actions will be taken against any players found to use offensive, sexual, abusive representations and etc. with accordance to our User Abuse Policy.

- MapleSEA Administrator

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