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News & Events

Vasco System Q&A Forum Event | 16.12

Dear Maplers,

Have you read the V0.87 Patch Notes? If you have done that, you would have read about our latest Vasco System, @Key.

Now, we would like to test you on your knowledge on the @Key.

Starting Date: 16th December 2009
Closing Date: 6th January 2010

We will be choosing 30 winners with the most accurate answers provided for the questions listed below.

1. Do you know what Two-factor authentication (OTP Token) is?
2. Do you know that Two-factor authentication provides 99.8% protection?
3. How do you think Two-factor authentication can contribute to securing game accounts?
4. Will you be interested to use it, rate it 1 – 10? (1 – Not at all, 10 – I am very interested)
5. Rate the Two-factor authentication. (1 – lousiest, 10 – Best)
6. When do you want this to be implemented?

30 x @Key Device (1 for each Winner!)

Participants are required to answer the questions listed above as accurately as possible.

• Participant’s IGN and world must be stated clearly together with their entry.
• Each participant can only submit one entry.
• There will be a total of 30 winners.
• Submitted entries are to remain viewable in the thread until the closing date of the event.
• All submissions must be posted in the designate thread created by the forum moderator. Entry must be original and cannot be copied from other participants.
• Entry submitted must be appropriate (i.e. no offensive, abusive representations etc.). Failure to meet these criteria will result in disqualification.
• Forum Moderator’s decision is final.

• All personal details stated in your Asiasoft Passport must be valid. (e.g. National ID, address, etc).
• Winners will be informed of the prize collection details via their registered email address. Proof of identity will be required during prize collection.



Good luck!

– MapleSEA Event Administrator

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