19 Mar 2021
A Follow-up Update regarding Additional Options and Inner Ability

Dear Maplers,
Following the recent situation revolving around Additional Options and Inner Ability in KMS, we would like to provide an update to you regarding this.
We wish to express our sincere apologies for all the anxiety and confusion that may have been caused by this situation and from the lack of updates from us.
We would like to announce that we have prepared the following tokens in gratitude and recognition of the support and love that all of you have shown to MapleStory.
Exchange Tokens for Flames used for Additional Options
Resurrection Flame Points will be given according to the amount of Resurrection Flames that have been consumed since 1st February 2019 up until 0859hrs (GMT+8) 3rd March 2021.

We have confirmed that under the previous Additional Option settings, STR appeared more often than other available stats, which put other classes going for non-STR main stats at a disadvantage.
Therefore, if you have used Resurrection Flames on equipment that could only be worn by a specific class, we will give you 103%, 106% or 109% of Resurrection Flame Points instead of 100%, depending on the class that can wear the equipment. Please see the table below for details.

- Resurrection Flame Points will be given accordingly based on the Tradability of the Resurrection Flames which you have used. Non-tradable flame types are categorised as A, while Tradable flame types are categorised as B. The corresponding points for each type of flame is illustrated in Table 1.1 - Resurrection Flame Points Table.
- Flames used on equipment that can be worn by all classes will be rated at a flat 100% rate.
- As Pirates’ main stats are divided into STR and DEX according to their individual job specifications and difficult to distinguish, we applied 103% flame points rate to all DEX-type pirate equipment.
- Flame consumption records will be checked across all worlds/servers in the entire MapleID, but you will only be able to claim the Flame Points in a single world only. Please note that all Resurrection Flame Points will be rounded up to the nearest decimal place. ➢ The selected world cannot be changed, and all items can only be obtained once per MapleID. Any character can be used to receive the reward regardless of character creation date.
- Click on the Maple Administrator NPC located in Henesys and major towns and select ‘Talk to Maple Administrator’ to claim your desired item in exchange for the flame points that you currently possess.
➢ After selecting the world, you can select and receive each item at a character that you choose.
➢ The item's expiry date will be activated from the moment that the item is received.

Exchange Tokens for Miracle Circulators used for Inner Ability
- Miracle Circulators will be given according to the method that the circulator was acquired for all circulators used between 1st February 2019 up until 0859hrs (GMT+8) 17th March 2021.
The final revision to Inner Ability was reflected during the server check of 17th March 2021 and hence selected as the basis. (Miracle Circulator consumption records will be checked across all worlds/servers in the entire MapleID, but you will only be able to claim the Miracle Circulators in a single world only. Please note that all Miracle Circulator Points will be rounded up to the nearest decimal place.) - Click on the Maple Administrator NPC located in Henesys and major towns and select ‘Talk to Maple Administrator’ to exchange for a Miracle Circulator Coupon.
- Every Miracle Circulator Point obtained entitles you to exchange for 1 Miracle Circulator Coupon (30 days, Inter-Account Transactions only). Double-click on the Miracle Circulator Coupon to obtain Miracle Circulator (30 days, Untradable) x1.

Note: Exchange cannot be done with characters that have yet to complete the 'Awakening to Abilities' Quest.
Heartfelt Apology to All Players
To show how deeply sorry we are for all the confusion and anxiety caused because of this Additional Option and Inner Ability situation, we have prepared a small gift of appreciation and a sincere apology to all Maplers who have loved MapleStory thus far and for having voiced out their concerns for the future of the game.
- To receive the items, click on the Maple Administrator NPC located in Henesys and major towns and select ‘Talk to Maple Administrator’, and click 'A Heartfelt Apology'.
- The reward can only be obtained once per MapleID and can only be received in one world, so choose wisely before activating the quest. The selected world cannot be changed after the quest has been activated.
- You can receive ‘A Heartfelt Apology’ between 24th March 2021 to 4th May 2021.
- When you use the Maple Relay Arcaneshade Weapon Box, you will receive an Arcaneshade weapon with 15 stars and Legendary potential for your job. The Arcaneshade weapon obtained cannot be traded, enhanced, reset potential, or used with Todd's Hammer. Do note that Zero characters cannot use the Maple Relay Arcaneshade Weapon Box due to its limitation, and we apologise for the inconvenience.
- When you use the Dominator Pendant Box, you can obtain a Dominator Pendant with 15 Stars and Unique potential. The Dominator Pendant obtained cannot be traded, enhanced, reset potential, or used with Todd's hammer.
- You can obtain the following items when you use the Chew Chew Island Set Coupon. ➢ Hat: Pinedeer Headband (All Stats +30 for 180 days)
- Each Growth Potion has a different maximum level, and if you use it beyond the maximum level, you will obtain a certain amount of EXP instead. ➢ Maximum Growth Potion : Grow 1 level for levels 200~249
- When you use the Maomi (90 Days) Coupon, you will receive a Maomi pet which can be used for 90 days. The Maomi pet has the following properties: ➢ It can loot items in a wider range like Luna Petite pets.
- The Mithra’s 3x EXP Coupon Box can be used for 8 weeks (56 days). When you use the box, you will receive 3x EXP Coupons (15 Mins) x20, which will expire in 7 days and are tradeable within the world. The EXP Coupons will be recharged every Monday at 1000hrs (GMT+8), and can be obtained up to 5 times.
- We will add 2 weeks’ worth (+18 days) of attendance for all players’ Fairy Bros’ Golden Carriage. When you open the Fairy Bros’ Golden Carriage UI after the server check on 24th March 2021, the attendance dates will be automatically reflected.
Once again, we would like to sincerely apologize for the issues pertaining to Additional Options and Inner Ability. We are thankful and grateful for your strong support towards MapleStorySEA and we will continue to strive to provide a better service, so as not to let you down.
Thank you.
NEXON Korea Development Team and PlayPark Operations Team

➢ Overall: Chew Chew Pee-mi (F) / Chew Chew Pee-dol (M) (DEF +300 for 180 days)
↪ *Note: When using the Chew Chew Island Set Coupon, you will receive the items according to the selected gender.
➢ Cape: Flion Tail (All Stats +30 for 180 days)
➢ Shoes: Wolf Robot Slippers (Speed/Jump +50 for 180 days)
➢ Weapon: Lyon Bracelet (ATT/MATT +30 for 180 days)
➢ 3-set effect: All Stats +5, ATT/MATT +3
➢ 5-set effect: All Stats +10, ATT/MATT +7
➢ Typhoon Growth Potion: Grow 1 level for levels 200~239
➢ AWAKE Growth Potion 3: Grow 1 level for levels 200~229
➢ AWAKE Growth Potion 2: Grow 1 level for levels 200~219
➢ AWAKE Growth Potion 1: Grow 1 level for levels 200~209
➢ It is a multi-pet that can be summoned with other pets (up to 3).
➢ It has the Auto Buff, Meso Loot, Item Loot, Auto Loot, HP Charge, and MP Charge skills.
➢ The duration cannot be extended.
➢ There is no pet set effect.
➢ It cannot equip any pet equipment.
➢ It can be moved to the Cash Wardrobe.
➢ Pet skill items and Pet Name Tags cannot be used on it.