11 Mar 2025
Follow-up Actions on CHASER Event Reward Exploitation

Dear Maplers,
We would like to provide an update on the actions taken against accounts that exploited the CHASER event rewards.
Following a thorough investigation, 14 accounts have been identified as having excessively abused the event mechanics.
As a corrective action, all additionally obtained rewards from the CHASER event through exploitation including items and character progressions have been removed. Account suspension will be lifted following the patch update of 12th March 2025.
We would like to take this opportunity to reiterate our stance. Exploiting game mechanics is a serious violation of our Terms of Use and Abuse Policies. Strict action will be taken against any user found engaging in such activities to protect the integrity of the game.
If you encounter any unintended issues or potential loopholes, we urge you to report them promptly via the iBox system, or directly to our Game Masters so that appropriate measures can be taken. We wish to thank all Maplers for your understanding and continued support in keeping MapleStorySEA a fair and enjoyable game for everyone.
MapleSEA Administrator