04 Feb 2021
A Message From CM Astrea : Sunsetting Zen
Dear Maplers,
We would like to bring you an important update regarding Zen's direction in our game service.
Despite having introduced several revamps and special events for Zen, the participation rate remains low, making Zen an underutilized content in our service.
Considering these aspects, Zen users would not be able to progress or enjoy events in future contents, including those currently being run in our Sengoku Era 3 patch, as these updates will no longer be constantly provided for Zen class.
With this in mind, we have therefore made the difficult choice and decision to completely remove Zen from our service. This would allow us to reallocate the resources invested in maintaining Zen and invest them instead on better and newer content and features that would allow you to get even more value and enjoyment out of playing MapleStorySEA.
In light of this, we would like to encourage all Zen users to take advantage of the ongoing Zen Free Job Transfer Event. We will be extending this event until the end of v202 patch (6th April 2021). Any Zen characters remaining at the end of this event extension will be permanently deleted from our servers.
As 4th job is the minimum requirement to participate in this event, we will provide all Zen below Level 100 with a small gift during next week’s maintenance to aid in their leveling.
We do know that some of you are die-hard fans of Zen, and may be sad with this news, and we feel really bad that we need to make this decision. However, we're definitely going to do our best to make up for this removal over the next couple of months, and provide you with even more fun and exciting content!
We look forward to your continued support for MapleStorySEA as we embark on newer adventures on the horizon! Stay tuned to our official news updates on these new contents as they come along!