15 Aug 2023
Advance Notice #2 for Various System Changes in v225

Dear Maplers,
We would like to provide an update regarding the system updates that will be applied to MapleStorySEA v225 patch update mentioned previously here, which is scheduled to be updated on 23 August 2023.
Regarding Pendant Slot
The 2nd Pendant Slot will be available at all times for all characters starting from the v225 Update. Due to this change, all 2nd Pendant Slot items will be removed from the Cash Shop and Mileage Shop during the Cash Shop Update on 16th August 2023. Fairy Bro's Daily Gift rewards that provide 2nd Pendant slots duration will be replaced due to this change, and further information will be available in the v225 Patch Notes.
Cube Revamp
To provide an update to the previous announcement made earlier, the following types of Cubes will be added to the game

Maplers who own the previous removed cubes will be given an equivalent number of the new cubes based on the functions of the respective cubes removed. Other cubes not mentioned will remain and will not be adjusted.
When using Cubes obtainable from the Cash Shop (Cubes listed above and Hexa/Equality Cubes), a new item

Depending on the type of Cube used, the number of Maple Leaf of Cube provided will be as follows:
- Regular & Choice Cube: Maple Leaf of Cube x1
- Regular Additional & Choice Additional Cube: Maple Leaf of Cube x2
- Hexa & Equality Cube: Maple Leaf of Cube x3
Maple Leaf of Cube can be exchanged for the following items:
All items exchanged from Maple Leaf of Cube fragments are tradeable.
Existing cube fragments will not be adjusted to the new Maple Leaf of Cube items. The exchange function of the current cube fragments will be available until v226. Details for unused fragments after v226 will be addressed separately.
- MapleSEA Administrator