Cyber Wellness - Spoof

Spoof of Asiasoft Emails

Some emails attached with viruses and keyloggers have been circulating using the name of or (asiasoftgame).com. These emails could mislead recipients into believing that Asiasoft is sending them account information. This would then propagate the malicious code into the recipient’s computer.

For this reason, we would like to highlight to all our gamers that:

1. Asiasoft/PlayPark will not send any account information to our members without request been made.

2. Asiasoft/PlayPark will not attach any documents/zipped files in our e-mails unless it’s necessary and this will be made known to members in conversations before sending.

3. Asiasoft/PlayPark will not ask for any password at all times. Never divulge your password to any emails that request for such details.

All correspondence with Asiasoft players shall only be conducted through iBox. Please be advised not to believe suspicious emails or open any email attachments in them as Asiasoft is deemed not responsible for these virus e-mail scams.