- [04.06] : RISE Miracle Time
- [22.05] : Raya 2X Drop and EXP Event
- [20.05] : v195 Patch Completion Event
- [20.05] : Adele's Challenge - Are you up for it?
- [20.05] : Welcome Back to RISE
- [04.05] : Newtro EXP Party!
- [29.04] : Ushering in May in Gold
- [25.04] : Old School Newtro Websale
- [23.04] : Newtro Accessory Miracle Time
- [15.04] : Embodiment of the night sky in your hands
- [09.04] : [Updated] Newtro Gamer Ranking Contest
- [09.04] : [Updated] Crazy Rich Bean!
- [08.04] : v194 Patch Completion Event
- [08.04] : Everyday Newtro Mapletime!
- [01.04] : Cable Car Rides Into the Celestial Skies
- [01.04] : Spring with Blossoming Flowers and a Golden Apple Harvest
- [24.03] : Sweet Blossom Websale
- [20.03] : Blossoming Treasures iGacha
- [13.03] : School Holidays have arrived! Beat the holiday blues and boredom!!
- [12.03] : Blossom Miracle Time
- [04.03] : v193 Patch Completion Event
- [14.02] : Most Eligible Bachelor & Bachelorette Contest!
- [14.02] : Valentine's Day Gift Rush - L♥vely Ni9ht Websale
- [07.02] : A Lovely Valentine's Confession
- [07.02] : Emergence Miracle Time for Hats