- [16.05] : Idol Star Hair Coupon
- [14.05] : The Early Bird Catches the Worm - Cannon Shooter!
- [13.05] : Break a Peanut!
- [10.05] : Winner for Bizarre Love Triangle! - Week 3
- [09.05] : Gachapon Jackpot
- [04.05] : May 1.5x & 2x Exp and Drop Rate Celebration!
- [03.05] : Winner for Bizarre Love Triangle! - Week 2
- [02.05] : Monster Box is BACK!
- [30.04] : GM Event: Destruction at Kerning City!
- [27.04] : [Update] I'm a #MapleLegend
- [26.04] : Winner for Bizarre Love Triangle! - Week 1
- [25.04] : [Update] The Legendary i-Gacha
- [19.04] : Which Legend Am I?
- [17.04] : The Legendary Recruiter Campaign!
- [05.04] : [UPDATE] Welcome to MapleSEA!
- [05.04] : GM Event: Looking Alike, Same as Me!
- [05.04] : Legends : Prelude 1.5x Exp and Drop Rate Celebration!
- [04.04] : Holiday Surprise
- [04.04] : All NEW Gold and Silver Stamp
- [30.03] : GM Event: Scramble with GM
- [30.03] : Cassandra's Spring Flower Festival
- [28.03] : The Persian Cat "Meow Meow" Week!
- [28.03] : April's Fool Liar Liar Event!
- [21.03] : Royal Hairstyle Fever!
- [21.03] : Chair Gachapon Update!