06 Jan 2021
First Golden Apple Harvest of the Year

Greetings Maplers,
Our fresh apples from Utah's Farm are ready for harvest once again!
At the current state the world is in, comsuming apples and staying healthy is the best choice you will probably ever make~ Laff...
Get your Golden Apples today! Ya' know what they all say...
An apple a day, keeps the doctor away!

Additionally, we have newly added a Single Apple for you

Assorted Souls
All types of Will’s Soul are available in Golden Apple, alongside with its Augmented version. Various other types of Augmented Souls are also up for grabs.

Assorted Androids and Related Items
Sorry no androids this round =/

Chairs and Miscellaneous Cosmetic Items
All Chairs and Mounts this round are Tradable, hurray~

Assorted Enhancement and Upgrade Items
*Nudged* We know you giggled at the Damage Skin - Clear "image" F3

Om nom nom nom away~