
13 Dec 2019

Design Your Story Season 3 - In twos and Couples!


Submissions of entries have now closed, and it is now time for YOU to vote for your favourite designs.

Entries for Design Your Story Season 3 are now up for voting! Vote for your favourite entry for our two categories "Anything Goes" and "In twos and Couples" now!

Please note that you can only pick one entry per category, so choose wisely! Your vote holds true power.

At the end of the voting period, the top voted entry will win the Voter's Choice component of the contest. Don't miss this chance to support your favourite artwork, your friends, or your favourite conceptualized design!

Voting Phase

11 January 2020 to 23 January 2020


Terms and Conditions

  • You can only vote once per category during the voting period.
  • Votes will only be tallied when submitted via the appropriate voting site linked in this post
  • If there is any case whereby there are an even amount of votes for multiple items, the item that achieved the vote first will be selected as the winning package.
  • PlayPark Pte Ltd and Nexon Korea Corporation reserves the rights to make any changes to the above mentioned without any prior notice.

  • Hey Maplers!

    Time to dust off that paintbrush and tablet pen, Design Your Story is back! We've held 2 seasons since, and we saw many designs that fit the game and they have made it in! Do you own any of them?

    Design Your Story is back once again, after much anticipation. This time round, the Seasonal/Themed will be In Twos and Couples! Did you know that 2020 will be an auspicious year for many couples? Help them design matching outfits or anything Couple-themed! Usher in the new year with a special loving outfit!

    Design Your Story Contest Season 3


    MapleStory has always been your story to tell, your path to choose. Now, we're letting your creative juices get a chance to flow with this contest, so you can design YOUR story! It's simple, just draw, design or in any other way showcase your desired in-game items, and submit it to our submission e-mail address, (JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)! It's that simple! No reason why you shouldn't give it a shot. Who knows, your design may just be the next highly-coveted aesthetic item by players all across the globe, just like the winning designs from our first run!

    How to Participate?

    We have two different categories for this contest, and anyone can participate in either (or both) categories! The two categories are as follows:

    • Anything Goes!
    • Seasonal/Themed: In Twos and Couples!
    In Anything Goes!, you can submit anything you want to see in game, regardless of the themed category. It's a little trickier, but for the Seasonal/Themed category, all submissions must follow the theme as stated. For this season, you have to design items that are themed around Couples or Love! Otherwise, the submission should fall under "Anything Goes!" if it does not match any of the themes.

    Submit your entries via e-mail with your Maple ID, IGN and World, and hang on tight! Once all entries have been received, they will be reviewed and winners will be selected, while everyone chooses their favourites through a voting session!


    Wondering what rewards are awaiting you?

    For every design submitted,

    • All participants, excluding the winners will receive 300 Maple Points for each Anything Goes submission, up to 3.
    • All participants, excluding the winners will receive 500 Maple Points for each Seasonal/Themed submission, up to 2.
    The winners with the best designs in each category,
    • Will have their designs sent for development ingame. Upon successful development and implementation into the game, the participant who submitted the original idea will be the first to receive the items and receive bragging rights!
    • Will be awarded up to 50,000 Maple Points depending on the category they participated in.

    Event Mechanics

    • Event duration: 13 December 2019 to 3 January 2020, 2359hrs
    • Submissions: Send your submissions in an email to the designated email address, (JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) with the subject "Design Your Story - [[Category Name]] Submission by [[MapleID]]". If you're submitting an entry for the Anything Goes category, use "AG". If you're submitting an entry for the Seasonal/Themed category, use "Couple" as the category accordingly. Multiple submissions should be separated and sent with multiple e-mail submission. Please include your Maple ID, IGN, and World in your e-mail. We may disqualify incomplete submissions.
      For Example: Design Your Story - Couple Submission by mymapleid123
    • Item sets: Multiple items of the same theme will be referred to as a "set". Each entry will also refer to being a single set. A set includes but is not limited to one (1) item from each item category. For example, a set can consist of 1 hat, 1 overall, 1 cape, 1 shoe, 1 chair, etc. Opposing genders equipment will be considered the same set. However, if there are more than 1 type of the same item category in the set (e.g, 2 different hats), it has to be heavily backed by reason, otherwise it will be considered a submission for a different set.
    • Items with Couple effects (e.g. special effect when standing/seated to another person with the same item cannot be implemented into the game, but may be considered for their design.
    • Restrictions: Each category has limited submissions per Maple ID. Up to 3 sets will be allowed for submission to the "Anything Goes" category, and up to 2 sets for the "Seasonal/Themed" category per Maple ID.
    • Rationale: Each submission should include a short writeup about the item to better illustrate the rationale behind the design (not required but highly recommended)
    • Submission medium: Entries can be submitted either digitally or scanned from pictures done traditionally, or in any other media form. Text submissions listing out ideas will not be accepted.
    • Submission identification: Each submission MUST INCLUDE the participant's Maple ID, IGN, and World. Each submission should have a set name (if it is part of a set), and all individual designs should have its own names for identification purposes.
    • Winners: There will be two winners for each category, the Team's Choice (decided after review by the Maple Team and Nexon) and the Voter's Choice (decided by other players in MapleSEA!) Suitable designs will also be sent for development if they are appropriate.
    • Accepted Designs: There are no limitations to the submissions, as long as it is an asset or element in the game that is skinnable, and not a functional item with in-game benefits. This includes but is not limited to:
      • Cash Equipment (including Weapons)
      • Cash Effects and Rings
      • Hair and Face Styles
      • Chairs (including Couple/Multi-chairs within reason)
      • Mounts
      • Pets (including their Equipment)
      • Androids
      • Emotions
    At a glance....

    Want to start but not sure how? We have you covered! Simply download our template file provided and start designing. You can design almost anything that goes on the character with our template!


    Terms and Conditions

    • PlayPark Pte Ltd and Nexon Corporation reserve the right to edit the colour scheme of the item when necessary to set a common colour scheme for all items.
    • Nexon Corporation shall own the intellectual property rights to the Contents and any derivative works.
    • If a winning item is accused of plagiarism, the participant shall forfeit the prize and at the same time the participant shall bear the legal responsibility for the plagiarism. This rule shall also apply to all other non-winning entries who are found guilty of plagiarism.
    • Winning entries may be developed into game items to be gradually released into MapleSEA, however the release schedule may be changed without prior notice and notification.
    • All submissions must be sent to the designated email.
    • All decisions by PlayPark Pte Ltd and Nexon Corporation are final & binding.
    • PlayPark Pte Ltd and Nexon Corporation reserve the right to edit or change any of the above without prior notice.