
01 Dec 2014

[GM Event] Let’s Get’s Ready for Eunwol!

Dear Maplers,

Have you been wondering why lately there have been alphabets of “image“ dropped by monsters?

Here’s why! If you collect the letters, you can trade them with GMs in exchange for image Spell Traces.

Event Schedule:

DateTime (GMT +8)World
6th DEC 20141545hrs – 1645hrsCassiopeia
6th DEC 20141715hrs – 1815hrsBootes
6th DEC 20141845hrs – 1945hrsAquila
7th DEC 20141545hrs – 1645hrsJynarvis
7th DEC 20141715hrs – 1815hrsD/E/I
7th DEC 20141845hrs – 1945hrsF/G/H


How to participate?

1. Before the start of the event, the GameMaster (GM) will announce the location of the map to gather at.
    Locate the GM in order to be able to register for the event participation.
2. Once you arrive at the gathering map and are ready to register, simply type “[Your IGN] Ready for Eunwol!”
    on the “To All” chat and wait for GM’s reply.
    As there may be a lot of players participating in the event, kindly take note that in such situations selection of
    players will be done on a random basis.

3. Please ensure you have prepared all the required alphabets with the correct quantity to be traded in.
4. If the GM replies with “[IGN] READY!”, this means you have successfully registered. Wait for any further
    instructions/actions from the GM.
5. When you are called out by the GM, standby to be sent into the event map – Maple Park to meet the event
    character to trade your alphabets.
6. Once the trading is done, your character will be sent to Pantheon – Great Temple Interior.

Trading Post:

Required ItemRequired QuantityItem Receive
image50Spell Traces x 50
image50Spell Traces x 50
image25Spell Traces x 50
image25Spell Traces x 50
image25Spell Traces x 50
image25Spell Traces x 50

Terms and Conditions:

1. Please note that during the event, the following actions will be considered as interference and disturbance of
    the event progress:
     • Unnecessary spamming in the chat box at the gathering map.
     • Selling/Purchase request(s) at the gathering map.
2. In order to make sure that as many players as possible are able to participate in this event, please note that:
     • GMs have the rights NOT to respond to players’ inquiries or statements during the execution of the event.
     • Event GM will only send you back to Pantheon – Great Temple Interior. No specific requests will be
     • Each IGN is only allowed to trade ONE time with a maximum of 5 sets of alphabets with GMs and any
       delays done on purpose will result in automatic disqualification.
3. GMs reserves the right to disqualify any players who are in violation of our abuse policy.
4. GMs will only be around on the stated dates and time for the event.
5. GMs will only trade the alphabet with player at the event map – Maple Park.
6. Players who use offensive, sexual, abusive representations etc. and/or hacks will be dealt with according to
    our User Abuse Policy.
7. Asiasoft Online Pte Ltd and Nexon Korea Corporation reserves the rights to make any changes to the above
    mentioned without any prior notice.

– MapleSEA Administrator