01 Dec 2020
AWAKE Golden Apple Harvest
Dear Maplers,
Golden Apple is ripe for the picking!
: 2nd December 2020 ~ 16th December 2020

An apple a day keeps the world spinning… oh and the doctor away as well~

Check out the obtainable items below!
Assorted Souls
All types of Damien Souls are available in Golden Apple, alongside its Augmented Soul.
Various other types of Augmented Souls are also up for grabs.

Assorted Androids and Related

The Timeroid Coupon comes with a 30-day Lidium Heart.
Chairs, Mounts and Miscellaneous Cosmetic Items

Note: Mount Exchange Coupons can be obtained as a 90 day version or a Permanent version.
Assorted Enhancement and Upgrade Items

Images above show a partial selection of items obtainable from Golden Apple.
An apple a day, stay healthy all day!