06 Aug 2013
Introducing the all new "Reflect Miracle Cube"
Dear Maplers,
With Empress Cygnus new found power, Maple Administrator had created a new Miracle Cube through the Blessing of Empress Cygnus.

Introducing the all new “Reflect Miracle Cube”. So what’s new and interesting about this new Miracle Cube. The Reflect Miracle Cube not only have the chance to up your equipment rank with the same rate as a Super Miracle Cube but also have a chance to reflect your 2nd line potential to be the same as the 1st line. So for example, upon use, there is a chance your 1st line will be DEX +6% and 2nd DEX +6% with just 1 cube.

So hurry up and try your luck on our all new seasonal Miracle Cube.
– MapleSEA Administrator