
05 Apr 2012

Legends : Prelude 1.5x Exp and Drop Rate Celebration!

Dear Maplers,

With the launch of Legend prelude, MapleSEA is one step closer to Legend. Are you ready for all those action!
MapleSEA will be having 1.5x EXP & Drop Rate events throughout April 2012 for all the worlds. So do not miss this chance to party up with your friends & family’s members.

Please refer to event time slots as stated below!

1.5X Drop Rate Events

Every Weekend1400hrs to 1430hrs
1500hrs to 1530hrs
2000hrs to 2030hrs
2100hrs to 2130hrs
Good Friday Celebration1500hrs to 1530hrs
1600hrs to 1630hrs
2000hrs to 2030hrs
2100hrs to 2130hrs

1.5X Exp Events

Every Weekend1430hrs to 1500hrs
1530hrs to 1600hrs
2030hrs to 2100hrs
2130hrs to 2200hrs
Good Friday Celebration1530hrs to 1600hrs
1630hrs to 1700hrs
2030hrs to 2100hrs
2130hrs to 2200hrs

-Maple Administrator