28 Mar 2016
M-Easter-y Egg Event
So Easter might be over, but after looking at all the entries that we’ve had for the Pink Bean design contest, we’re curious to know and want to see just how far this level of creativity from everyone can go!
On top of that, we’re planning to turn the best designed egg to be part of an item in-game!

Event Details
• Event Submission Period: from now until 2nd April, 2359hrs (GMT +8)
• Event Mechanics:
1) Download the Easter Egg template here (right-click, select ‘save image as’)
2) Design your eggs in the most creative way possible for an in-game decorative item!
3) Submit your entry in the comments section of the following Facebook post.
4) Don’t forget to include in your IGN and World!
5) All submissions will be consolidated and sent over to Nexon where one lucky winner will be handpicked and will have his/her item be developed into an in-game item!
• Event Rewards: You get first dibs at your own item creation before anyone else!

Terms & Conditions
• Asiasoft Online and Nexon Corporation reserves the right to edit the colour scheme of the item when necessary
• Nexon Corporation shall own the intellectual property rights to the Contents and any derivative works.
• If a winning item is accused of plagiarism, the participant shall forfeit the prize and at the same time the participant shall bear the legal responsibility for the plagiarism. This rule shall also apply to all other non-winning entries who are found guilty of plagiarism.
• Participants who leave comments containing inappropriate, offensive or malicious content will automatically be disqualified.
• If there are no qualified entries, Nexon Corporation may abstain from selecting winners for the category.
• The winning entry will be developed into game items to be gradually released into MapleSEA, however the release schedule may be changed without prior notice and notification.
There’s no limit to how many design ideas you wish to submit, so don’t wait and start submitting them in now!
– MapleSEA Event Administrator