
31 Oct 2012

Random Coupon Box

Dear Maplers,

Ever wonder what is insideimage Random Coupon Box?

Starting from 31st October till 14th November 2012, we are introducing a new random box that will consists various coupons if you couldn’t decide what to change for your character, buy a Random Coupon Box today and let it decide! After all, there is no losing ticket.


You can get various different coupons below!

imageHenesys Hair Style Coupon (REG)
image Hair Color Coupon (REG)
imageFace Coupon (REG)
imageCosmetic Lens Coupon (REG)
imageSkin Coupon
image Cosmetic Lens Coupon (VIP)
imageHair Style Coupon (VIP)
imageHair Color Coupon (VIP)
image Face Coupon (VIP)

Happy Mapling!

-MapleSEA Administrator