28 Jan 2012
Sneaky Omok Master: GM Event
Hi Maplers!

Calling all Omok lovers, this is your chance to defeat the Sneaky Game Masters! Play a game of Omok with the Game Masters and based on your winning records, you will be rewarded with a prize!
Event Schedule
Date | Aquila | Bootes | Cassiopeia | Delphinus/Eridanus/Izar | Fornax/Gemini/Hercules |
29/01/2012 | 1300hrs | 1400hrs | 1500hrs | 1600hrs | 1700hrs |
Event Details
1. Each event will last for 1 hour.
2. A hint will be given on the whereabouts of the GM.
3. Game Masters will create a Omok game room with a hint to the password.
4. Crack the password and be the 1st player to enter the game room and have a game of Omok with the Game Master.
5. 5 winners will walk away with a cool Vicious Hammer each.
Rules & Regulations
• Players may choose to use any character for this event
• A total of 3 rounds of Omok will be played for each session.
• The hint to the password will be changed once a winner has been declared.
• Each character is only allowed to win once.
• Players who use hack, offensive, sexual, abusive representations etc. will be dealt with according to our User Abuse Policy.
• Winners will receive the prize redemption code via their Asiasoft Passport’s Registered Email Address within 5-7 working days.
• The GM’s decision will be final and binding.
Happy Mapling!
-MapleSEA Administrator