Only Maplers who completed all 5 Chapter (Normal Mode)(I, II, III, IV and V) are qualified.
Each Maple ID account will only be eligible for ONE (1) Tier of Reward item per world.
PlayPark Pte Ltd and Nexon Korea Corporation shall not be held responsible for any disputes over the event results or claim of prizes.
PlayPark Pte Ltd and Nexon Korea Corporation reserve the right to suspend or take action against any user found to breach the policies outlined in our Terms of Use, User Abuse Policy, and Rules of Conduct without any prior notice.
PlayPark Pte Ltd and Nexon Korea Corporation reserve the right to amend and/or remove the promotion and associating terms and conditions at its discretion without any prior notice.
All decisions by PlayPark Pte Ltd and Nexon Korea Corporation are final & binding.
- MapleSEA Administrator