Team Venshi

In-Game Nick | Server | Class/Job |
Choc0latte3 | Bootes | Dual Blade |
Played Since | Guild Name | |
2006 | Ghoul | |
Motto | Why do you want to join Team Venshi? | |
Always be your better self! | To bring back the warmth and friendly environment, where all are feel welcomed and a part of the big Maple family. Also, to have fun with other players! |

In-Game Nick | Server | Class/Job |
xMichSekai | Aquila | Demon Avenger |
Played Since | Guild Name | |
2008 | Batman | |
Motto | Why do you want to join Team Venshi? | |
No one can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and create a new ending | I joined Team Venshi to be able to connect to the new players as well as to reach out to the people who have been with us from the very beginning. Moving out to the community on a whole new level, I wish to be able to create smiles on everyone’s faces, enjoying Maplestory both in-game and outdoors as much as they can! :D |

In-Game Nick | Server | Class/Job |
meiuvevan | Aquila | Evan |
Played Since | Guild Name | |
2005 | NoLink | |
Motto | Why do you want to join Team Venshi? | |
Work Hard, Play Harder! | I wish to be able to bring back the old MapleSEA community where people will just sit down at one place and chit chat instead of focusing so much on levelling. |

In-Game Nick | Server | Class/Job |
xevanblaster | Bootes | Evan |
Played Since | Guild Name | |
2007 | Competence | |
Motto | Why do you want to join Team Venshi? | |
Vires acquirit eundo. - We gather strength as we go, taken from Freud’s Diary quest. | Will has been exploring Maple World and beyond for a while. He realised that a sense of wonder and exploration is uncommon among the current community. While everyone is busy trading away equipment, Will finds himself exploring the depths of Sleepywood, discovering new monsters at Edelstein’s Verne Mine, and even reminiscing the old days at Eos Tower. He wishes to inspire Maplers on the many places Maple World has to offer, and Venshi gave him that chance. |

In-Game Nick | Server | Class/Job |
MatchaEiyuu | Cassiopeia | Phantom |
Played Since | Guild Name | |
2007 | BlackMage | |
Motto | Why do you want to join Team Venshi? | |
No Maple No Life! | MapleStory have changed my life. I have met many people from different walks of life and I have met many friends who brought about positive change in me. Their encouragement and kind actions made me feel home and welcome. I have learnt many things from many I've met from MapleStory and I would like to return and spread the kindness back to the MapleSEA community. I want to join Team Venshi because I want to make MapleSEA an inclusive community for all, people of all ages and all walks of life! |

In-Game Nick | Server | Class/Job |
IIDX02MCD | DEI | Mercedes |
Played Since | Guild Name | |
2007 | PRIME | |
Motto | Why do you want to join Team Venshi? | |
Set a target! Don’t give up till you get there! | I feel that we should try our best to help each other in MapleSEA! Which is why i am here, to help out the MapleSEA community. |

In-Game Nick | Server | Class/Job |
xEyes0nM3x | Bootes | Kaiser |
Played Since | Guild Name | |
2014 | Ghoul | |
Motto | Why do you want to join Team Venshi? | |
Dream big! | Because I want to have fun, meet new people and contribute to maple society. And of course in the long run, I hope to see more players in maple. ^^ |

In-Game Nick | Server | Class/Job |
NatsuXFuyu | Bootes | Zero |
Played Since | Guild Name | |
2006 | teamweekend | |
Motto | Why do you want to join Team Venshi? | |
Play through Life! | I hope to give more idea toward Maplesea team and more update regard about what other country update and suggest more event for Maplesea exclusive map / job to the players. And of cause to help new player who just started mapling! |