11 Jun 2013
12th June 2013 Luminous and Kaiser Patch Notes
Dear Maplers,
Get ready for Kaiser and Luminous! Which character would you choose? The Dragon Warrior with the mighty strength of the mystical dragon, or the Magician who can manipulate the powers of both light and dark.

Luminous the last of the Maple Heroes whom had helped to seal up the black mage is here. Will you want to let the darkness take over you or fight against the darkness by using your light powers? Choose your side now!

Players upon finishing Luminous tutorial, they will be able to choose either the Light or the Dark storyline. Do note that each have its own unique storyline and once it is chosen, it cannot be changed.

For more information, please refer to here

Kaiser the dragon warrior, friend of Angelic Buster, has reborn. You can now create this warrior and be a part of the group to help defend Pantheon with his mighty power.

For more information, please refer to here
Gold Beach

Gold Richie is opening a new resort, but apparently it is not going smoothly as planned. It seems he had encountered some problems trying to get his new resort ready. Help him and his son, Gold Richie Junior, to start their resort business and he may reward you!.

1. Player must be Lv 40 and above
2. Accept the quest “[Gold Beach] Invitation from Gold Richie” to be port over to Gold Beach
3. To head over to Gold Beach manually, head over to Six Path Crossroad and look for Pilot Irvine
[System Event] Completion of 5 Heroes (12/06/13 – 17/07/13 0859hrs (+8 GMT))

For all new created Heroes (Mercedes, Aran, Phantom, Luminous, Evan), upon reaching certain levels, they will receive the following below items.
At Level 10, accept the quest “All Five Heroes” and you will receive a Medal “Completion of 5 Heroes” and 2 Season2 Coins

At Level 30, accept the quest “The Five Heroes – Lv. 30 Reached” and you will receive the following.
1. Green General Cap
2. Green General Suit
3. Green General Shoes
4. Green General Gloves
5. A weapon of your specific job.
6. 3 Season2 coins

At Level 50, accept the quest “The Five Heroes – Lv. 50 Reached” and you will receive the following
1. Legendary Maple Silver Ring
2. A weapon of your specific job.
3. 3 Season2 coins

At Level 60, accept the quest “The Five Heroes – Lv. 60 Reached” and you will receive the following
1. Purple Senior Cap
2. Purple Senior Suit
3. Purple Senior Shoes
4. Purple Senior Gloves
5. A weapon of your specific job
6. 4 Season2 coins

At Level 70, accept the quest “The Five Heroes – Lv. 70 Reached” and you will receive the following
1. A headgear of your job specific
2. A weapon of your job specific
3. 5 Season2 coins

[System Event] New Year Magic Die (12/06/13 – 17/07/13 0859hrs (+8 GMT))
To celebrate Season 2, Maple Admin had requested player to help her collect alphabets from all around the world of Maple.

She had requested the following “HAPPY SEASON 2” Collect the 12 characters and give it to her and she will give you a “Magic Die” box as a reward.. Random rewards including equipments and scrolls can be obtain from the box.

[System Event] Luminous Launch Event (12/06/13 – 17/07/13 0859hrs (+8 GMT))
With Luminous out for creation, all new Luminous created within this event period will be receiving free gifts upon hitting certain criteria.
At Level 30,50,60,70, accept the quest “Growing as Luminous!” and you will receive a equipment box Season2 coin

Do note that for the above mention quest, you have to accept the quest within the max of 10 level difference (eg. 30-39, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79), after which the quest will be auto disabled.
At Level 50, accept the quest “[Luminous] Reaching Lv. 50”, you will receive a Luminous ring and Season2 coin.

At Level 70, accept the quest “[Luminous] Reaching Lv. 70”, you will receive a special mastery book of your choice and also Season2 coin.

[System Event] Kaiser Launch Event (12/06/13 – 17/07/13 0859hrs (+8 GMT))
With Kaiser out for creation, all new Kaiser created within this event period will be receiving free gifts upon hitting certain criteria.
At Level 30,50,60,70, accept the quest “[Kaiser] Self-improvement” and you will receive a equipment box Season2 coin

Do note that for the above mention quest, you have to accept the quest within the max of 10 level difference (eg. 30-39, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79), after which the quest will be auto disabled.
At Level 50, accept the quest “[Kaiser] Reaching Lv. 50”, you will receive a Kaiser ring and Season2 coin.

At Level 70, accept the quest “[Kaiser] Reaching Lv. 70”, you will receive a special mastery book of your choice and also Season2 coin.

[System Event] Season 2 Celebration (12/06/13 – 17/07/13 0859hrs (+8 GMT))
Maple Admin recently had found some extra items and decided to give it to those newly created Kaiser, Luminous and Angelic Buster.
For all newly created Kaiser, Luminous and Angelic Buster, between Level 40 to 120, you will be able to receive free gifts.

Update as at 12th June 2013 1022 hrs (+8 GMT)
– MapleSEA Administrator