12 Mar 2013
[Update] 13 March Patch Notes
Dear Maplers,
The following events will be activated on 13th March 2013, 0900hrs
2. [System Event] Easter Event (Event Date: 13/03/13. 0900hrs – 24/03/13 24/04/13, 0859hrs (GMT +8))
4. [System Event] Lucky 3!3!3! (Event Date: 13/03/13. 0900hrs – 24/03/13 05/04/13, 0859hrs (GMT +8))
10. [Gachapon] Gachapon Jackpot
12. [Download] v1.28 Game Client Update
1. [System Event] Cassandra’s Spring Flower Festival (Event Date: 13/03/13. 0900hrs – 24/04/13, 0859hrs (GMT +8))
Starting from 13th March to 24th March 2013, just by completing a simple quest from NPC Cassandra an extra buff will be awarded. Furthermore this quest is repeatable and as long as the required items have been submitted to NPC Cassandra, NPC Cassandra will just automatically cast a buff onto the character.

Note :
• Cassandra’s Buff will overwrite any existing similar buff.
• Cassandra’s Buff will disappear upon log-out.
2. [System Event] Easter Event! (Event Date: 13/03/13. 0900hrs – 24/04/13, 0859hrs (GMT +8))
NPC Mad Bunny need help with his mischievous plan for Easter this year!
Quests Available!
• Easter : Easter Basket (repeatable once a day)
• Easter : Mad Bunny’s Easter(Yellow) for level 8 to 29 characters (repeatable once a day)
• Easter : Mad Bunny’s Easter(Green) for level 30 to 69 (repeatable once a day)
• Easter : Mad Bunny’s Easter(Red) for level 70 and above (repeatable once a day)
Reward of Easter Basket
• Easter : Golden Egg (repeatable every 2 hours)
Rewards for Easter : Golden Egg
Level 8 to 29 : Random EXP or a chance to get Bunny Disguise I
Level 30 to 69 : Random EXP or a chance to get Bunny Disguise II
Level 70 or above : Random EXP or a chance to get Bunny Disguise III
3. [System Event] Star Star Event: Spring Breeze (Event Date: 13/03/13. 0900hrs – 24/04/13, 0859hrs (GMT +8))
To celebrate the coming of Spring, Cassandra made some pinwheels and decided to give them to everyone!
All you have to do is to keep the Spring Pinwheel for 30 mins and Cassandra will reward you with something special!
4. [System Event] Lucky 3!3!3! (Event Date: 13/03/13. 0900hrs – 05/04/13, 0859hrs (GMT +8))
The Maple Administrator have come up with a new event with some great prizes for everyone!
You all have to do is to defeat 300 Monsters near to your levels! Note: Monster 11 levels below you or 21 levels higher than you will not count even if you defeat them
Every time you finish defeating 300 monsters, you will be able to receive a 3×3 Event Box.
After completing the quest for 3 times, on top of the 3×3 Event Box., you will also receive a 3×3 Event Gold Box.
Besides this, the Maple Administrator is also giving away free items everyday! You will receive the following items just by talking to her!
5. [System Event] Return of Saint Saviour (Event Date: 13/03/13, 0900hrs – 19/04/13, 0859hrs (GMT +8))
Minimum Requirement: Level 15 or higher
1) Click on the purple stone on the left side of the screen to accept the quest.
2) By accepting and auto-completing The Knights of Virtue Return quest from NPC Cassandra, you will receive a Stone of Virtue
3) Accept the Power of Virtue quest to track your daily attendance.
4) Your character’s attendance are marked by activating the event buff skill once a day. The final reward is given on the 10th day.
Attendance Rewards
Knights of Virtue 3rd Day Participation
• 100x Power Elixir
Knights of Virtue 4th Day Participation
• 1 x Secret Recipe
Knights of Virtue 5th Day Participation
• 3 x Scrolls of Accessory for ATT/M.ATT 15%
Knights of Virtue 6th Day Participation
• 1 x Nightmare Mount 10-Day Coupon
Knights of Virtue 7th Day Participation
• 1 x Advanced Equip Enhancement Scroll
Knights of Virtue 8th Day Participation
• 1 x Special Potential Scrol
Knights of Virtue 9th Day Participation
• 1 x Golden Hammer
Knights of Virtue 10th Day Participation
• 1 x Shades of Virtuosity
6. [System Event] Eliminate Eregos
Minimum Requirement: Level 15 or higher

1) The Boss Monster for the Knights of Virtue will randomly appear in a map
2) Upon defeating the Boss Monster, you will receive an Evil Spirit Box.
3) You will receive random rewards upon opening the Evil Spirit Box
4) The Boss Monster will spawn between 1000hrs – 0000hrs (+8 GMT)
7. [System Event] April’s Fool Liar Lair Event (Event Date: 01/04/13. 0900hrs – 24/04/13, 0859hrs (GMT +8))
This coming April Fool’s day, NPC Joyce tries to trick the monsters to stop them from transforming into human forms. Are you qualified enough to help her before the monsters wreck chaos in MapleSEA?
Help NPC Joyce with the Liar Liar Quest and be rewarded with a Pinocchio Nose.
NPC Joyce can be found inside the Event Map.
NPC Gordon at El Nath needs some help from you as well. You will be handsomely rewarded with Liar’s wood Liquid
or Pinocchio Transformation Potion
once you completed the task given by him.
Beware! You are warned of the consequences of telling a lie! You may just end up like poor little Pinocchio!
Evil aliens are on the loose over the whole of MapleSEA AGAIN! Vavaan the Space Detective requires the help of all Maplers once again to assist him in capturing all these aliens that are roaming around in almost all towns!
How do I capture the aliens? And using what?
• Look for NPC Vavaan located in the Event Map to receive the quest.
• You will receive 1 use slot item, Capture-the-Alien-Ball.
• Hit the aliens in towns to make them weak enough to be captured.
• Move near the alien and use Capture-the-Alien-Ball to held it captive inside the ball. (Hint: Item can be set under key settings)
• Exchange the Captured Alien Ball with Vavaan and receive [Milky Way Star]
• Open up [Milky Way Star] and receive surprise rewards including Star over a Tree Chair!

Alien Capture Ranking
That’s not all! Vavaan is also putting up a generous reward out to avid helpers in capturing these evil~fly~doers!
Talk to NPC Vanaan to check on the top rankings and scores in alien capturing!

At the end of the event on 24th March 2013, Top 3 Characters of Each World in alien capturing will receive the following prizes:
1st Place : 68,888 MAPLE POINTS
2nd Place: 48,888 MAPLE POINTS
3rd Place : 28,888 MAPLE POINTS
9. [Gachapon] Gachapon Update
Together with this new patch, brand new items have been added into the Gachapon Machines!
Introducing the Cretaceous Mount!
This mount comes in both 15 days and 1 year duration.
Introducing the Crimson Nightmare Mount!
This mount comes in both 15 days and 1 year duration.
Besides mounts, there is also a new chair being added!
Introducing the Underwater Globe!
Last but not least, a new Heart of Aria is also added!
Introducing the Endless Heart of Aria!
Hurry to the nearest Gachapon Machines to get yours now!
10. [Gachapon] Gachapon Jackpot
Big news! Big news! For the first time ever, we will be giving away Maple Points! in our Gachapon Jackpot
For the month of March, we will be giving 100,000 Maple Points to 1 lucky winner from each world.
Hurry to your nearest Gachapon Machines now and you might just be one of the lucky winners!
11. [System] Bug Fixes
1. Item Tag can now be overwritten by another Item Tag to change the name of the item.
2. Blackboard is now able to be used in Azwan
3. Bandit’s Meso Explosion have been fixed.
4. Neo City quest appearing only at level 125 have been fixed, the quest will now appear at level 105.
5. Client will no longer crash when exchanging for Silent Crusade items.
12. [Download] v1.28 Game Client Update
Manual Patch
v1.25 to v1.28 (Asiasoft)
v1.26 to v1.28 (Asiasoft)
v1.27 to v1.28 (Asiasoft)
-Maple Administrator