27 May 2013
29th May 2013 Angelic Buster Patch Notes
Dear Maplers,

Prepare yourself as the star of the battlefield, Angelic Buster is now available for creation in MapleSEA. Head in now and start playing this new Nova class character that was voted as the most popular character by our Maplers in our Facebook page.

For more detail information on this new character, please refer here

Pantheon is now open to all players. To head over to this new Nova Town, simply head over to “Six Path Crossway”, click on the Pantheon Portal to be port over.

Evolving Dungeon
A hidden dungeon has recently been discovered in Edelstein. Seems like the Black Wings are up to something again. The Resistance are requesting your help in investigating this new hidden dungeon.

[System Event] Angelic Buster Launch Event (Event Date: 29/05/13 – 17/07/2013 0859 hrs (+8GMT))
To celebration the creation of Angelic Buster, all new created Angelic Buster that were created during the event period will receive special items.
At Level 30 and 60, accept the quest “[Angelic Buster] Angelic Improvement”, you will receive a equipment box, potential scroll for soul ring and 3 Season2 Coin.

At Level 50 and 70, accept the quest “[Angelic Buster] Angelic Improvement”, you will receive a equipment box and 3 Season2 Coin.

At Level 50, accept the quest “[Angelic Buster] Reaching Lv. 50”, a special ring and 3 Season2 Coin will be given to you.

At Level 70, accept the quest “[Angelic Buster] Reaching Lv. 70”, you can get to choose a special mastery book of your choice and also will be given 4 Season2 Coin.

Last but not least, accept the quest “Angelic Buster – Limited Gift”, a limited gift box and 2 Season2 coin will be given to all new Angelic Buster.

[System Event] Lovely Gift Box (Event Date: 29/05/13 – 12/06/2013 0859 hrs (+8GMT))

1. Accept the quest “Gift Pang Pang! Lovely Gift Box!” from Cassandra.
2. Hold the “Pink Bead” for 60 minutes
3. After 60 minutes, the Pink Bead will change to “Pit-a-patting Heart Bead”
4. Complete the quest by talking to Cassandra and you will receive a “Lovely Gift Box” and 1 Season2 Coin
5. Available to Level 13 and above.
6. Each Maple ID can only do this quest once per day.
7. Upon logging out, the Bead will disappear and you will have to forfeit and re-take the quest.
Open the Lovely Gift Box and you will be given random rewards which include Necro, Timeless equipments and many more.

[System Event] Mystic Field (Event Date: 29/05/13 – 17/07/2013 0859 hrs (+8GMT))
Mysterious Portal had been spotted at Henesys, Pantheon and Leafre. Rumor that a weaker version of various Bosses will appear from time to time in the portal. Are you up for the challenge to defeat these bosses and prevent them from rampaging the 3 town.

A notification message will be shown on the chat window to display the channel in which the boss will be spawned. The bosses will be spawned at 3 towns. Click on icon on the left and select the town you wish to enter to fight the boss. Locate the Portal and enter the Mystic Field area.

During the battle, on the left, there is “Attack Ranking” table. It will show who is dealing the most damage. The higher the damage you deal, the higher your rank will be and also your rewards will be better.

A unique boss box will be dropped after destroying the boss. Do note that you have to accept the item within 5 seconds after killing the boss, if not you will have to click NPC Doctor Moon to retrieve back. Open the box to redeem your reward!

Open the Boss drop and you may stand a chance to win a Medal, Dark Soul Pet, Horntail 6 Pac Armor, Zakum Fist Glove etc…

Completing the following quest will also reward you with extra Season2 coins and Crusader Coins
[Slient Crusade] Eliminate Mystic Zakum
[Slient Crusade] Eliminate Mystic Horntail
[Slient Crusade] Eliminate Mystic Von Leon
[Slient Crusade] Eliminate Mystic Hilla
[Slient Crusade] Eliminate Mystic Arkarium

[Slient Crusade] Eliminate Mystic Expansion

[Slient Crusade] Eliminate Mystic Field Researcher

– MapleSEA Adminstrator