09 Feb 2021
[Cash Shop Update 100221] Lovey Dovey Feelings
Bonjour Maplers,
1) [NEW] Lovey-dovey Package - Sale ends 24th February
2) [Special] Valentines Sales - Sale ends 24th February
3) [Update] Valentines Royal Beauty - Sale ends 24th February
4) Removals
Lovey-dovey Package
Oh Sé-moo-or, I Moo you so muchie. Oh Sé-moo-orita, my lav forr you is much moo-re~

Valentines Sales
Roses are red, Violets are blue, hello MapleSEA Cute Admin, I like you~ 🌹 I hope she sees this..

Note : Every Cash Item here are Durational except for the Valentine's Dessert Packages.
Valentines Royal Beauty
What are you waiting for?! It's time to get your new looks for this lovely special day~ <3

Stay Moo, Stay Moo-some~