09 Nov 2021
[Cash Shop Update 101121] Hear Ye, Step Up Until You're On Air
Can you hear the Bell ringing?
1) Animal Weapon Box (Sale ends 17th November)
2) Seraphim Random Box (Sale ends 16th November, 2359hrs)
3) Shadow Style (Sale ends 16th November, 2359hrs)
4) Ignition Ring (Sale ends 16th November, 2359hrs)
5) 4hrs 2X EXP Coupons (Sale ends 16th November, 2359hrs)
6) Mysterious Mix Beauty Coupon (Sale ends 16th November, 2359hrs)
7) Eargasmic Headsets (Sale ends 17th November)
8) Removals
Animal Weapon Box
Party like the animals.
Note : All Cash Items are Permanent.

Seraphim Random Box
Dam colorful sia~
Note : Seraphim Weapon obtained are by random and are Permanent.

Shadow Style
Pemanent Shadow.. Shadow.. Shadow.. Shadow.. Shadow..
Note : This Permanent Shadow Style is Untradable regardless of purchase with Maple Cash.

Ignition Ring
This ring turns a burning field monster map to a Level 10 Burning Field.
Note : This ring only has a duration of 24 hours upon purchase.

4hrs 2X EXP Coupons
More value for your grinds =)
Note :

Mysterious Mix Beauty Coupon
Blending the colors of life.
Note :

Eargasmic Headsets
Listen to the music of the falling..... rain?
Note :

From the Cash Shop Update of 27th October 2021.
➢ Harlequin Noir et Blanc
➢ Harlequin Noir et Blanche
➢ Heavenly Wing Box
➢ Hallowoot Shadow Package (M)
➢ Hallowoot Shadow Package (F)
➢ Trick or Treat Chair Coupon
➢ Halloween Broomstick Chair Coupon
➢ Hallowoot Box
➢ Ghost Shoes
➢ Ghost Cookie Label Ring
➢ Franken Quote Ring
➢ Harlequin Face Paint
➢ Illuminati Face Accessory
Lara Ara~