11 Apr 2023
[Cash Shop Update 120423] Are you a Yeti Lover?
1) Yeti Lover's Package - Sale ends 26th April 2023
2) Choice Beauty - Sale ends 19th April 2023
3) Mysterious Color Beauty Coupons - Sale ends 19th April 2023
4) Rooty Rooty Emoticon - Sale ends 19th April 2023
5) Removals
Yeti Lover's Package
Yeti's best lover.
Note: Both Yeti Lover's Nightwear Set and Yeti Lover's Streetwear Set can be equipped by both gender.

Choice Beauty
The Choice is in your hand.

Mysterious Color Beauty Coupons
True colour.

Rooty Rooty Emoticon
Rooting for Rooty!

From the Cash Shop Update of 15th March 2023, will be removed by 11 April 2023, 2359hrs.
➢ Crunchy Carrot
➢ Filled Backpack
➢ Delicious Meat
➢ Wisp's Wonderberry
➢ Wisp's Wonderberry 10 Package
➢ Luna Crystal (1)
➢ Luna Crystal (3)
➢ Luna Crystal (5)
➢ Desolate Death's Death
➢ Tranquil Death's Death
➢ Petite Death Aura
➢ Kuang Twinkle
➢ Kyaang Twinkle
➢ Kkyaang Twinkle
From the Cash Shop Update of 22nd March 2023.
➢ Maple Royal Style
➢ Maple Royal Style (5)
➢ Maple Royal Style (25)
➢ Masterpiece Machine
➢ Premium Masterpiece Machine
➢ SEA Royal Face Coupon
➢ SEA Royal Hair Coupon
From the Cash Shop Update of 29th March 2023.
➢ Flowery Fox Set (M)
➢ Flowery Fox Set (F)
➢ Heavenly Wing Box
➢ Avatar Scissors of Karma (3)
➢ Scissors of Karma (3)
➢ Platinum Scissors of Karma (3)
➢ Vicious' Hammer (3)
Yes! You are the best Yeti's lover!