10 May 2021
[Cash Shop Update 120521] To Murk, or not to Murk
Dear Maplers,
This week, come and collect dark lilies from the murky waters of Kerning's Swamp Region. Take care not to be bitten by hiding crocs and ligators!
1) [NEW] Murky Power Set (Sale ends 26th May)
2) [Update] Heavenly Wing Box (Sale ends 26th May)
3) Removals
Murky Power Set
Be one with the power of MMUURRRKKAAAYYYY

Heavenly Wing Box Update
That Murky Power Cape looks so.... coooooollllll!!

From the Cash Shop Update of 28th April 2021.
➢ Destroyer H-018 Set
➢ Destroyer H-018 Headgear
➢ Destroyer H-018 Armour
From the Golden Apple Event of 28th April 2021.
➢ Golden Apple (1)
➢ Golden Apple (5)
➢ Golden Apple (15)
➢ Golden Apple (50)
➢ Golden Apple (100)
The Cat stared at me.