14 Jun 2022
[Cash Shop Update 150622] Beaches Summer Time
Yet raining all the time aaaaaaaa!!!!
1) White Sand & Sunset Beach Package (Sale ends 29th June)
2) [Update] Chair Assembly Kit (Sale ends 6th July)
3) Removals
White Sand & Sunset Beach Package
Beaches in the summer.

[Update] Chair Assembly Kit
Chairs for Beaches.
Note: Chairs are obtained randomly.
*Marked chair Between the Sky and the Ocean is untradeable.

From the Cash Shop Update of 25th May 2022.
➢ SEA Royal Face Coupon
➢ SEA Royal Hair Coupon
From the Cash Shop Update of 1st June 2022.
➢ Black Venus Set (M)
➢ Black Venus Set (F)
➢ Heavenly Wing Box
➢ [Sale ends 15th June, 1000hrs] Perfect Innocence Scroll
➢ [Sale ends 15th June, 1000hrs] Shielding Ward
➢ [Sale ends 15th June, 1000hrs] Superior Shielding Ward
➢ [Sale ends 15th June, 1000hrs] High Quality Equipment Enhancement Scroll
➢ [Sale ends 15th June, 1000hrs] Shield Scroll
➢ [Sale ends 15th June, 1000hrs] Return Scroll
➢ [Sale ends 15th June, 1000hrs] Guardian Scroll
➢ [Sale ends 15th June, 1000hrs] Special Additional Potential Provision Scroll
Sunset Beaches are the best.