15 Dec 2020
[Cash Shop Update 161220] Burning Beauty
Dear Maplers,
1) First Purchase Offer
2) Returning Mapler Special Package
3) [Special] Tera Burning+ Promotion Sale - Sale ends 23rd December
4) [Special] Burning Character Special Package Sale - Sale ends 20th January 2021
5) [Update] SEA Royal Beauty Coupons - Sale ends 6th January 2021
6) [Rotation] Decoratives Rotation
7) Removal & Updates
First Purchase Offer
If this is your first time playing in MapleStorySEA, here's a package to help you through your baby steps in Maple World at an unbeatable promotional price of only 1,200 @Cash!
Note: Only accounts without any prior Cash purchase transactions will be able to view this package in the Cash Shop, and only 1 purchase is allowable per Passport account.
Note: The pet obtained cannot have its Magic Duration extended.
We also have something for everyone else! Purchase a Ga-cha-pon Ticket at a discounted price of 500 @cash

Note: The special discounted item shown above can only be purchased once per Maple ID.
Returning Mapler Special Package
Welcome back Mapler! Specially curated package filled with necessities to get you up to speed!

The Returning Mapler Package includes:
Tera Burning+ Promotion Sale
Tera Burning Promotion! Snap up additional slot expansions at a discounted rate, and pick up must-have utility items such as the Permanent Hyper Teleport Rock and Aura Pendant, alongside a Pendant Slot Permanent Expansion Coupon until 23rd December 2020

Additional Inventory slots and Pendant slots cannot be gifted to another user. You will not be able to purchase more than one additional Pendant Slot Permanent Expansion per character, or purchase additional inventory slots upon reaching the maximum amount of available slots.
Burning Character Special Package Sale
Boost your burning characters with a limited time special package which includes your daily leveling needs! Beauty coupons, Pet skills, cubes.. all included in the special package! Oh! Did we also mention that it comes with a Permanent New Metus pet?
Only Tera Burning+ characters can see & purchase the package from the cash shop. Grab it before 20th January 2021! Important: This package can only be purchased with Maple Cash and cannot be Gifted.

Note: The 1.5x EXP Coupon can only be used after achieving level 130. The Special Cube Bundles & 3x EXP Coupon can only be used after achieving level 200

SEA Royal Beauty Coupons Update
Keeping up to date with the latest fashion trends! Get me some makeup and a new hairdo, stat!

Decoratives Rotation
With every patch, a new set of timed decoratives will be available for purchase at a discounted price.
Check out the various equipment available and craft your very own unique style today!

Decoratives will be available for sale until they are rotated out of the Cash Shop at the end of the patch duration.
Removal & Updates