18 May 2021
[Cash Shop Update 190521] A Prelude to the NEO Era
Are you ready, Maplers?!
1) NEO Meso Sack
2) Seraphim Random Box
3) Shadow Style
4) Ignition Ring
5) 4hrs 2X EXP Coupons
6) Mysterious Mix Beauty Coupon
7) Return Mapler Package (Sale ends 31st May)
8) New Mapler Package (Sale ends 31st May)
9) Removals
NEO Meso Sack
Those are some heavy sacks~
Note : You can only use the NEO Meso Sack if your mesos in your character is 28,999,999,999 and below.
Note : The NEO Meso Sack can only be purchase by characters level 16 and above.
Note : The NEO Meso Sack cannot be sold in Auction House regardless of purchased with Maple Cash.

Seraphim Random Box
We found them in BlackMage's bedroom.
Note : Seraphim Weapon obtained are by random.

Shadow Style
Pemanent Shadow.. Shadow.. Shadow.. Shadow.. Shadow..
Note : This Permanent Shadow Style is Untradable regardless of purchase with Maple Cash.

Ignition Ring
This ring turns a burning field monster map to a Level 10 Burning Field.
Note : This ring only has a duration of 24 hours upon purchase.

4hrs 2X EXP Coupons
Now more value for your grinds =)
Note : Same EXP Coupon does not stack each other.
Note : You can only have 1 of this item in your possession at a time.
Note : These 4hrs 2X EXP Coupons are Untradable regardless of purchase method with Maple Cash.

Mysterious Mix Beauty Coupon
1 color + 1 color = 1 color
Note : Mix Colors of both coupon obtained are by random.

Return Mapler Package
Welcome back NEO Adventurer!
Note : The Return Mapler Package can be purchased by Maple Accounts that are have not logged in since 24th February 2021.

The Returning Mapler Package includes:
New Mapler Package
Greetings Adventurer! "NEO" around here? Fear not for we have prepared a delightful package just for you!
Note : The New Mapler Package can be purchased by Maple Accounts that are created after 5th May 2021.

The New Mapler Package includes:
From the Cash Shop Update of 5th May 2021.
➢ Cheer Up Package (M)
➢ Cheer Up Package (F)
➢ Summer Royal Hair Coupon
➢ Summer Royal Face Coupon
➢ Friends Story Box
➢ Perfect Innocence Scroll
➢ Shielding Ward
➢ Superior Shielding Ward
➢ High Quality Equipment Enhancement Scroll
➢ Shield Scroll
➢ Return Scroll
➢ Guardian Scroll
➢ Special Additional Potential Provision Scroll
The Cat walked towards me. I was the happiest person on the planet.