22 Jan 2020
[Cash Shop Update 220120] Oinks Out! A New Cycle Begins!
Dear Maplers,
Please take note that all items in this update will only be available until their removal on 5th February 2020, with the exception of Special Sales, timed sales, First Purchase sales, and Rotational Decoratives.
1) [NEW] New First Purchase Package
2) [NEW] Chinese New Year Timed Sale
3) [NEW] Emergence Master Decorative Package
4) [Special Sale] Chinese New Year Beauty Preparations
5) [Special Sale] Emergence Special Sale
6) [Special Sale] Transparent Package
7) [Special Sale] Emergence Meso Sack
8) [Rotation] Decoratives Rotation
9) Removal
New First Purchase Package
If this is your first time playing in MapleStorySEA, here's a package to help you through your baby steps in Maple World! And it's priced at half the cost of a chicken rice lunch! That's right, only 1,200 @Cash!
Note: Only accounts without any prior Cash purchase transactions will be able to view this package in the Cash Shop, and only 1 purchase is allowable per Passport account.
Note: The pet obtained cannot have its Magic Duration extended.
We also have something for everyone else! Purchase a Ga-cha-pon Ticket at a discounted price of only 500 @Cash!

Note: Special discounted price Ga-cha-pon Ticket can only be purchased once per Maple ID.
Chinese New Year Timed Sale
As Chinese New Year creeps up on us, let us usher out the Year of the Pig with a special Lunar New Year Plush Pig Package! Each package consists of a Hat, Overall, Shoes, Cape, and Weapon recommended for each gender.
Right as the clock strikes 12, the Rats are here to party! What better way to welcome the Year of the Rat with Rat's Favourite Cheese Package? Each package consists of a Hat, Overall, Shoes, Cape, and Weapon that can be eqiupped by both genders.

Fly high and prosper with the new year! The Heavenly Wing Box has also been updated with new capes.

*Petite Neo Wings cannot be sold via the Auction House. However, they may be traded with the Cash Trade function.
The Heavenly Wing Box can be purchased from 25 January 2020, 0000hrs until its removal on 5 February 2020.
Master Emergence Decorative Package
Can you truly call yourself a master of the class without looking the part? Master each class with the Master Emergence Decorative Packages available for Kanna, Hayato, and ZEN! Master Kanna and Master Hayato packages each consists of a Hat, Overall, Shoes, and Weapon that can be eqiupped by both genders. Master ZEN package consists of a Hat, Overall, Shoes, and Glove that can be eqiupped by both genders. Weapons in the Master Emergence Packages can only be equipped over specific weapons: One-Handed Swords, Axes, Blunt weapons, Katana, and Fan.

Chinese New Year Beauty Preparations Special Sale
Mix a new hair colour! Mix up your colour lenses! Get your hair done by the best stylist in the world! So many choices, so little hesitation! Available until 29 January 2020, 0900hrs only!

Emergence Special Sale
Crowd favourites are back! Snap up additional slot expansions at a discounted rate, and pick up must-have utility items such as the Permanent Hyper Teleport Rock and Aura Pendant, alongside a Pendant Slot Permanent Expansion Coupon until 29 January 2020, 0900hrs only!

Transparent Package Special Sale
Deck out your character in.... fancy.... transparent(?) wear, available as a special deal with the Transparent Package (Permanent).

Emergence Meso Sack Sale
How much mesos will emerge from this sack?
The Emergence Meso Sack has 1 billion mesos in it! Time to upgrade my new

Emergence Meso Sack cannot be gifted to another player nor sold via the Auction House. However, they may be traded with the Cash Trade function.
Decoratives Rotation
With every patch, a new set of timed decoratives will be available for purchase at a discounted price.
Check out the various equipment available and craft your very own unique style today!

Decoratives will be available for sale until they are rotated out of the Cash Shop at the end of the patch duration.