26 May 2021
[Cash Shop Update 260521] NEO Beginnings
1) New First Purchase Package - Sale ends 30th June
2) NEO Meso Sack - Sale ends 2nd June
3) [Update] Maple Royal Style - Sale ends 16th June
4) [Update] Masterpiece Machine - Sale ends 16th June
5) [Update] Sea Royal Beauty Update - Sale ends 16th June
6) Burning Character Special Package - Sale ends 30th June
7) Utility Slots - Sale ends 23rd June
8) [Update] Decoratives Rotation
9) Removals
New First Purchase Package
First time? Fear not! Here's a cheap cheap package during these pandamic times to help you out in your Maple World journey!
Note: Only accounts without any prior Cash purchase transactions will be able to view this package in the Cash Shop, and only 1 purchase is allowable per Passport account.
Note: The pet obtained cannot have its Magic Duration extended.
NEO Meso Sack
The sacks were too heavy to carry away so we left them strewn about first.
Note : You can only use the NEO Meso Sack if your mesos in your character is 98,999,999,999 and below.
Note : The NEO Meso Sack can only be purchase by characters level 16 and above.
Note : The NEO Meso Sack cannot be sold in Auction House regardless of purchase method via Maple Cash.

Maple Royal Style
Dreams never been so real with the Dreaming Traveler Special Label! It's never just a dream. =)

The Dreaming Traveler Set Special Label Set consist of:
Collect the full Dreaming Traveler Special Label Set to receive the Dreaming Traveler Shelter! Bonus chair is obtainable only once per account per world.
Note: Several non-set items in the Maple Royal Style are intended to be durational. In this update, the Grape Label Ring and Quote Ring Coupons as well as the items obtained from these coupons will be durational.
Note: Cash Items obtained from Maple Royal Style will be random.

Special Bundle Sale
The 5's and 25's bundles are baaccckkk~
You may also trade your unwanted items obtained from the current Maple Royal Style with Mrs. Rococo in the Royal Style Secret Shop for Royal Points. Collect 10 points to obtain another Maple Royal Style Coupon! Points are reset every patch cycle.
Masterpiece Machine
Summary : same ol' same ol' Master Label Set~

Collect the full Master Star Messenger Master Label set for your gender, which consists of the Star's Message (Hat), Prophet of Dreams (Male Overall) or Dream Guide (Female Overall), Light's Protection (Cape), Starlight Steps, and Star's Messenger (Weapon) to obtain the special Smiling Face Cosmetics Coupon (obtainable upon equipping all of the above items, once per account per world).

Applied the Foggy or normal versions of Gentle Breeze Hair (Male) or Sparkling Wave Hair (Female)? Obtain a special Night-version of the hairstyles for your gender, the Breeze of Night (Male Hat) or Sparkling Wave of Night (Female Hat) for a different colour and style! (each wig is obtainable once per account per world).
Note: Cash Items obtained from Masterpiece Machine are by random.
Note: Cash Items's gender obtained from Masterpiece Machine will be according to the main Cash Item used.
Sea Royal Beauty
Top trending beauties in NEO Castle!
Note : Reward List obtained are by random.

Burning Character Special Package
Be careful when opening the box, it's super hot!
Note : Only Burning Characters can purchase this package.
Note : This package can only be purchased with Maple Cash and cannot be Gifted.
Note : All tradability, functionality and it's duration are as shown in game.
Note : The 1.5x EXP Coupon can only be used after achieving level 130.
Note : The Special Cube Bundles & 3x EXP Coupon can only be used after achieving level 200.
Package Items

Burning Beauty

Utility Slots
Slots are now cheaper for your beloved characters!

Decoratives Rotation
Deco Deco Deco Deco Deco.

From the Cash Shop Update of 12th May 2021.
➢ Murky Power Set (M)
➢ Murky Power Set (F)
➢ Heavenly Wing Box
From the Cash Shop Event of 12th May 2021.
➢ Pteroleon Mount (90 Days) Coupon
➢ Pteroleon Mount (Permanent) Coupon
➢ Damage Skin - Honeybee Coupon
From the Cash Shop Event of 19th May 2021.
➢ Seraphim Random Box
➢ Shadow Style
➢ Ignition Ring
➢ 15 Days 2X EXP Exchange Card (Lv.199~below)
➢ 15 Days 2X EXP Exchange Card (Lv.200~Lv.224)
➢ 15 Days 2X EXP Exchange Card (Lv.225~Lv.249)
➢ Mysterious Mix Dye Coupon Exchange Ticket
➢ Mysterious Contact Lens Coupon
I went to class today.