28 Sep 2021
[Cash Shop Update 290921] Stepping Up Higher
1) New First Purchase Package - Sale ends 17th November
2) [Update] Maple Royal Style - Sale ends 20th October
3) Masterpiece Machine - Sale ends 20th October
4) [Update] Sea Royal Beauty Update - Sale ends 20th October
5) [Update] Decoratives Rotation
6) Removals
New First Purchase Package
First time? Fear not! Here's a cheap cheap package during these pandemic times to help you out in your Maple World journey!
Note: Only accounts without any prior Cash purchase transactions will be able to view this package in the Cash Shop, and only 1 purchase is allowable per Passport account.
Note: The pet obtained cannot have its Magic Duration extended.
Maple Royal Style
Circus has never been so silly with the Circus Fantasy Set Special Label! IDK what I just said.

The Circus Fantasy Set Special Label Set consist of:

Collect the full Circus Fantasy Set Special Label Set to receive the Today's Circus! Bonus chair is obtainable only once per account per world.
Note: Several non-set items in the Maple Royal Style are intended to be durational. In this update, the Clockwork Knight Label Ring and Quote Ring Coupons as well as the items obtained from these coupons will be durational.
Note: Cash Items obtained from Maple Royal Style are by random.
Special Bundle Sale
The 5's and 25's bundles are in as well~
Masterpiece Machine
Summary : same ol' same ol' Master Label Set~

Collect the full Master Star Messanger Master Label set for your gender, which consists of the Star's Message (Hat), Prophet of Dreams (Male Overall) or Dream Guide (Female Overall), Light's Protection (Cape), Starlight Steps, and Star's Messenger (Weapon) to obtain the special Smiling Face Cosmetics Coupon (obtainable upon equipping all of the above items, once per account per world).

Applied the Foggy or normal versions of Gentle Breeze Hair (Male) or Sparkling Wave Hair (Female)? Obtain a special Night-version of the hairstyles for your gender, the Breeze of Night (Male Hat) or Sparkling Wave of Night (Female Hat) for a different colour and style! (each wig is obtainable once per account per world).
Note: Cash Items obtained from Masterpiece Machine are by random.
Note: Cash Items's gender obtained from Masterpiece Machine are follow by the main Cash Item used.
Sea Royal Beauty
Step Up to your new look!
Note : Reward List obtained are by random.

Decoratives Rotation
Deco Deco Nii~

From the Cash Shop Update of 1st September 2021.
➢ Return Mapler Package
From the Cash Shop Update of 15th September 2021.
➢ Emotion Box
➢ Choice Hair Coupon
➢ Choice Face Coupon
➢ Today's Pink Bean Package
➢ Today's Yeti Package
➢ Today's Orange Mushroom Package
➢ Today's Slime Package
➢ Today's Pepe Package
➢ Lil Chonky Mount (90 days) Coupon
➢ Lil Chonky Mount (Permanent) Coupon
➢ Damage Skin - Wings
From the Cash Shop Update of 22nd September 2021.
➢ Weapon Box
➢ Legend of the Light Gumiho Ring
➢ Legend of the Dark Gumiho Ring
➢ <
➢ <
➢ <
Wake me up when September ends~