31 Aug 2021
[Golden Apple Update 010921] September's Golden Crop

If you apple and you know it, clap your hands~ *piak* *piak*
Note : The single Golden Apple shown above can only be purchased once per Maple ID.
Assorted Souls
Shadow Fiend liked this.
Note : All types of Lotus’s Soul are available in Golden Apple, alongside with its Augmented version.

Boss Equipment Set
Show dem who da boss!

Chairs and Miscellaneous Cosmetic Items
You got any grapes?
Note : Mount Exchange Coupons can be obtained as a 90 day version or a Permanent version.

Assorted Enhancement and Upgrade Items
*Flick* *Flack* *Fluangshhhh*
Note : Images shown are partial selection of items obtainable from Golden Apple.

Golddem Applez.