16 Jan 2018
[Gachapon Update 170118] Coming Into Terminus
Dear Maplers,
This week, the Gachapon Machines have been loaded with the following items!:
• Terminus Series Weapons • "Days of the Week" Badges

*What are "Days of the Week" Badges? • There are a total of 7 badges - Mano, Chiyou, Botan, Donar, Fruba, Saturnus & Junna • Each badge comes with the following stats: +7 All Stats, +7 Weapon/Magic Attack • The badges come with bonus stats when worn on a specific day • With the 7 badges in your inventory, they can be exchanged for a "Seven-day Badge" item, via NPC Spiegelmann in the Monster Park map by selecting the dialogue, 'Tell me about Monster Park!'
- MapleSEA Administrator