22 Jul 2015
[Gachapon Update 220715] Crazy Gachapon Sales
Dear Maplers,
Our first ever Crazy Gachapon Sales is here! From 22nd July to 28th July 2015, the Gachapon Packages will be back in the Cash Shop!
We have included a special Jackpot Prize, a Fafnir Weapon Box!
This Jackpot is so much more awesome than before! Besides getting a Fafnir Weapon from it, you will also stand a chance to be rewarded with a 50% rebate on all your Gachapon tickets purchased during the day!
Event Duration
Start Date/Time: 22nd July 2015, 1500hrs (GMT+8)
End Date/Time: 28th July 2015, 2359hrs (GMT+8)
Event Mechanics
1) Purchase any Gachapon Ticket or Gachapon Bulk Packages during the event period.
2) Be one of the lucky players to obtain a Fafnir Weapon Box from your Gachapon ticket to enter the lucky draw.
3) Each Fafnir Weapon Box opened will entitle you to the lucky draw entry for a chance to win the 50% rebate.
4) 3 lucky winners will be selected from each world daily.
5) All winners will win a 50% rebate for all Maple Cash spent on their Gachapon tickets.
6) Only Gachapon tickets purchased on the day that the Fafnir Weapon Box is opened will be rebated.
7) The rebates will be in the form of Maple Points.
Examples of Event Eligibility
Example 1
Player A purchased a 100 Gachapon Ticket Package at 99,500 Maple Cash on 22nd July, he used 50 tickets and managed to get a Fafnir Weapon box. The weapon box was opened on the same day, 22nd July.
Therefore Player A will receive 1 lucky draw chance to win the 50% rebate for the Gachapon ticket purchases that was made on 22nd July only. If he wins the lucky draw, the 50% rebate will be based on the total amount spent on Gachapon tickets for that day.
Example 2
Player B bought a 100 Gachapon Ticket Package at 99,500 Maple Cash on 22nd July, he used 50 tickets and gets a Fafnir Weapon box. However, he only opens the Fafnir Weapon Box on 23rd July. He has also bought another 50 Gachapon Tickets at 52,000 Maple Cash on 23rd July. Hence, Player B will get a chance to win the 50% rebate for his purchases that were made of 23rd July only. The 50% rebate will be based on the 50 Gachapon Tickets bought on the day which the Fafnir Weapon box was opened, which amounts to 26,000 Maple Points.
Example 3
Player C bought a 100 Gachapon Ticket Package at 99,500 Maple Cash on 22nd July, he used 10 tickets and gets a Fafnir Weapon box. However, he only opens the Fafnir Weapon Box on 25th July. No Gachapon tickets were bought on 25th July. In this case, Player C will not be entitled for any lucky draw as there were no Gachapon ticket purchases made on the day that the Fafnir Weapon Box was opened.
Example 4
Player D gifted a 100 Gachapon Ticket Package at 99,500 Maple Cash to his buddy on 22nd July, and his buddy (recipient of gifted package) used 10 tickets and gets a Fafnir Weapon box. In this case, the gifter will not be entitled for the lucky draw as he was not the one who obtained the Fafnir jackpot prize from the Gachapon tickets. The recipient will only be eligible for the lucky draw IF he has also made his own Gachapon tickets purchases on the day that he obtained the Fafnir Weapon box.
1) All players who obtained and open the Fafnir Weapon Box will be given 1 chance in the lucky draw for 50% rebate
2) Additional boxes opened during the event will give the player another chance in the lucky draw
3) To make the deal even sweeter, all characters who opens the Fafnir Weapon Box from their Gachapon tickets during this event will be rewarded with a Special Chair!

Day 1 (22 July 2015) : Evolving Chair (Permanent, Tradeable)

Day 2 (23 July 2015) : Olivia’s Chair (Permanent, Untradeable)

Day 3 (24 July 2015) : Code of Hammurabi Chair (Permanent, Tradeable)

Day 4 (25 July 2015) : Black Bean Chair (Permanent, Untradeable)
Day 5 (26 July 2015) : Pink Bean Chair (Permanent, Untradeable)

Day 6 (27 July 2015) : Top Rookie Chair (Permanent, Untradeable)

Day 7 (28 July 2015) : Have A Coffee Chair (Permanent, Tradeable)
Terms and Conditions:
1) Only purchases made purely with Maple Cash will be eligible for the lucky draw.
2) The amount rebated will only be based on the total amount spent on Gachapon tickets on the day that the Fafnir Weapon box is opened.
3) Obtaining the box without opening it will not entitle the player for any rewards.
4) Winners will be selected on a daily basis and the results will be posted on the next working day.
5) Only characters which opened the Fafnir Weapon Boxes will be entitled for the Chair rewards.
6) Each character is only entitled for one chair-of-the-day regardless of the quantity of Fafnir Weapon Boxes that were opened on that particular day, i.e. if you opened a Fafnir Weapon box on 24th July, you will only get one unit of the designated chair for 24th July.
7) Rebates will be credited into the winners’ accounts directly after the winner lists are posted.
8) All chair rewards will only be credited during the first server check in August 2015.
9) Asiasoft Online Pte Ltd and Nexon Korea Corporation reserves the rights to make any changes to the above mentioned without any prior notice.
10) Asiasoft Online Pte Ltd and Nexon Korea Corporation reserve the right to disqualify and take action against any player that violates our abuse policy.
Good luck and Happy Mapling!
– Maple Administrator