13 Jul 2016
Accelerate2 July 2016 Event Notes (v160)

We're accelerating once again! This time with even more skill revamps, a reconstructed boss fight and a bunch of contents and events coming from all around the world!
1. Let's Go, Zakum! Event 2. Caretaker's Special Mission Events 3. Murr Murr's Dungeon Season 3 4. World Tour Events 5. Maple Board Game 6. [Side Content] Spring Valley 7. SG/MY Birthday Events I
Let's Go, Zakum! Event

Event Duration: 13th July 2016 ~ 2nd August 2016, 2359hrs Lvl Requirement: Level 33+, Completion of Chapter 2 for Zero classes How to Initiate Event Quest: Click on the quest "[Zakum, Zakum] Defeat 50 Zakums" from the Star Icon notifier on the left side of the screen
Event Details:
Zakum has been reconstructed with the new skeleton animation system! So while we're all gathering to beat this new challenge, don't forget to check out the events to celebrate the reborn Zakum!
Zakum's Special Lottery Ticket During this event period, the Zakum's Special Lottery Ticket will drop whenever Zakum is slain. Inside these tickets there are a number of items obtainable ranging from traits and potion consumables to even extra zakum soul shards. There's even rumors of a new cash item weapon inside as well!
Slaying 50 Zakums Upon completing the requirement for the quest "[Zakum, Zakum] Defeat 50 Zakums", you will be rewarded with an exchange ticket for a pet coupon!
Note: • Easy Mode Zakum is no longer available at level 50, and now increased to a required level of 90
Caretaker's Special Mission Events

Event Duration: 13th July 2016 ~ 9th August 2016, 2359hrs Lvl Requirement: Level 33+, Completion of Chapter 2 for Zero classes How to Initiate Event Quest: Click on the series of quests "Caretaker's Three Missions:" from the Star Icon notifier on the left side of the screen
Event Details:
With even more game system changes being adjusted and introduced, the Caretaker has made an appearance and decided to reward players who are able to help him complete specific tasks.
In exchange, he will reward these players with special enchanted titles!

Murr Murr's Dungeon Season 3

Event Duration: 13th July 2016 ~ 9th August 2016, 2359hrs Lvl Requirement: Level 75+, Completion of Chapter 2 for Zero classes How to Initiate Event Quest: Click on the quest "[Murr Murr Dungeon Season 3] Beauty and Beast" from the Star Icon notifier on the left side of the screen
Event Details:
Do you think you're fast enough? Then take the challenge against other players in the Murr Murr Dungeon.
The challenge is simply to obtain 3 soul shards faster than your opponent! However there are many Otherworld Murr Murrs who will try to stop you!
Each room may have hidden chests, which may contain either a soul shard or beneficial items to help you e.g traps, maps.
Obtain Murr Murr souls and Dungeon Master points at the end of each challenge! Exchange Murr Murr souls for cool items from Murr Murr and Nine-Tailed Fox such as damage skins and chairs! Meanwhile Dungeon Master points can be accumulated to receive special ranked rewards based on the points you have collected!
Note: • Enchanted Soul Weapons can be used to activate Soul Traps while in these dungeons
World Tour Events

Event Duration: 20th July 2016 ~ 9th August 2016, 2359hrs Lvl Requirement: Level 33+, Completion of Chapter 2 for Zero classes How to Initiate Event Quest: Click on the World Tour icon from the expanded Star Notifier Icon on the left side of the screen
Event Details:
World Tour Events See the world from the eyes of a Mapler! Visit the World Travel map and check out each country's unique mini-game! Earn World Tour coins and exchange them for goodies at Spinel, the World Travel Coin Shop NPC!
World Tour NPC Shop Coins obtained can be exchanged via this NPC! Get your hands on all the unique damage skins, chairs and also special anvil gears!
Note: • World Tour mini-games can be played for a maximum of 10 times a day • There are no limitations on coins obtainable each day
Maple World Tour Board Game Event

Event Duration: 20th July 2016 ~ 9th August 2016, 2359hrs Lvl Requirement:Level 33+, Completion of Chapter 2 for Zero classes How to Initiate Event Quest: Click on the Dice icon from the expanded Star Notifier Icon on the left side of the screen
Event Details:
If you're looking for even more coins, then make sure to take part in the Board Game! Complete the challenges there to obtain rewards such as special buffs, exp/drop coupons and also more World Tour coins!
Note: • Completing each round around the board will net you 1x World Tour coin
[Side Content] Spring Valley

Event Duration: 27th July 2016 ~ 16th August 2016, 2359hrs Lvl Requirement: Level 33+, Completion of Chapter 2 for Zero classes How to Initiate Event Quest: Click on the Spring Valley icon from the expanded Star Notifier Icon on the left side of the screen
Event Details:
A new area has been recently discovered! Chief Explorer Old Claw and his band of Wild Claws are exploring this new region and could use your help.
Help the Wild Claws out by collecting and cataloging specimens in the Spring Valley. Gain Research Points from them, and use these Points to exchange for rewards from the Wild Claws' engineer and quartermaster, Captain Wangpang!
Note: • Keep an eye out for "secret" spots found within this region, there's special rewards waiting inside for the true blue adventurer!
SG/MY Birthday Events I

Event Duration: 29th July 2016 ~ 18th August 2016, 2359hrs Lvl Requirement: Level 1+ How to Initiate Event Quest: Click on the Trophy icon from the expanded Star Notifier Icon on the left side of the screen
Event Details:
Complete your achievements in the Achievement Window to receive a special medal!
Fireworks Monsters Celebratory monsters will appear in game during this period and cause a nuisance to the monsters, keep an eye out for them while you're out hunting! Defeat them to obtain Hot Day boxes! These Hot Day boxes contain alot of items inside, so make sure you don't make a pass on collecting them!
Guardian Pieces You may find Guardian Pieces while training in normal hunting fields, keep 100 of these and exchange them with NPC Shalon in the event map for a Guardian Box. Each box has a chance to give out a glove piece, collect all 4 pieces to combine into a complete glove!