05 Apr 2016
Accelerate Event Notes (v158)

1. Lady Blair’s Dream Express
2. Back to the Old Maple S2
3. Free EXP Coupon Weekends
4. Spring Box & Coin Shop
5. Spring Attendance
6. Crown Piling Event
7. OX Quiz Event
8. Spring Attendance Season 2
9. Burning Project
10. Maple Board Game
Event Name: Lady Blair’s Dream Express

Event Dates: from 6th April 2016 ~ 20th April 2016 (Before server check)
• For a limited time during the event period, you will be able to transfer most cash items between your characters within the same world.
Just follow these simple steps:
1. Enter the Cash Shop.
2. Pick an eligible item you would like to transfer to a different character, and ensure that it is in your Cash Inventory/Wardrobe.
3. Right-click the item.
4. Click the ‘Transfer’ button.
5. Select the recipient of the item from the drop down.
6. Click the ‘OK’ button.
The selected item will now appear in the other character’s Cash Inventory/Wardrobe the next time you login to that character.
• You can only transfer cash items between characters within the same world
• All jobs are able to transfer cash items between each other.
• Cash Item Transfer between two Explorers will still be the same as they already share their Cash Inventory
• There are a few items that are not able to be transferred:
- Shop Permits and Hired Merchants
- Friendship and Couple items
Event Name: Back to the Old Maple
Event Dates: 6th April 2016 ~ 10th May 2016, 2359hrs (GMT +8)
Level Requirement: Lvl 13+
Event Details: Accept the quest “A Crack in the Dimensional Mirror” from the left side of the screen
Journey into the past and discover the world of MapleStory of old! However, something’s slightly different in this world, the old maps are around but it does not feel totally right.

Traverse across old towns in search of familiar NPCs, complete their quests and collect Old Maple Coins! These coins can be used to purchase items from NPC Inkwell, who can be found in the old towns. To those seeking a challenge, each area has its own boss, their strength magically magnified unlike their normal counterparts. Hunt them around during these period of time and obtain special loots such as old Anniversary gear and other Maple equipment of the past!
Area Bosses in Old Maple World:
• Lith Harbor – Mano
• Henesys – Mushmom
• Perion – Stumpy
• Kerning City – Dyle
• Ellinia – Faust
• Sleepywood – Zombie Mushmom
• Each time you enter the Cracked Dimensional Mirror, you will begin right at the start of the entire map
• You can travel between towns using the Cabs, however access to some towns will require travelling on foot
• Area bosses can only be fought once a day
Event Name: Free EXP Coupon Weekends
Event Dates: 9th, 10th, 16th, 17th, 23rd, 24th April 2016
Level Requirement: Lvl 13+
Event Details:
Accept the quest “[Weekend Only] 2X EXP Coupon Blowout!” from the Star Icon on the left side of the screen. You will be given a total of 6 2x EXP Coupon, which when consumed will provide an EXP boost buff that lasts for 30 minutes. Look forward to the weekends!
• The quest is available to every character
• EXP buff can stack with the Holy Symbol skill
• EXP buff will not be debuffed by enemy skills
• EXP buff will still be removed if your character dies
Event Name: Spring Box & Coin Shop
Event Dates: 6th April 2016 ~ 17th May 2016, 2359hrs (GMT +8)
Event Details:
Spring Box
Kill monsters within your own level range (Below Lv 150: Monster level between -10 and +20 of character level, Above 150: Any monster above level 150+)
Obtainable Items:
• Spring Coin (a maximum of 50 coins can be obtained each day)
• Recovery consumables
• Penguin transformation potions
• Fruity flavoured popsicles (Face Accessories with a duration expiry)
Spring Coin Shop NPC
Spring Coins that you have collected throughout the patch can be used to purchase items from the NPC Shop here.
Some Items Available for Purchase from the Shop:

Event Name: Spring Attendance, Season 1
Event Dates: 6th April 2016 ~ 26th April 2016, 2359hrs (GMT +8)
Level Requirement: Lvl 33+
Event Details: Accept the quest “[Attendance] Challenge: Attendance Check!” from the Star Icon on the left side of the screen
Event Task:
(Daily) Kill 300 monsters within your level range (Below Lv 150: Monster level between -10 and +20 of character level, Above 150: Any monster above level 150+) and obtain an attendance stamp on the day that has been completed. Rewards can be claimed upon obtaining the stamp.

• You can clear each day’s attendance as many times as you wish, however you can only receive the attendance stamp and claim the rewards once a day per Maple ID
Event Name: Crown Piling Event
Event Dates: 13th April 2016 ~ 17th May 2016, 2359hrs (GMT +8)
Level Requirement: Lvl 33+
Event Details: Click on the Crown Icon after expanding the Star Icon button on the left side of the screen, and accept the quest, “[Crown Piling] Crown Piling Is Back!”
There are 4 quests available from the Crown icon:
[Crown Piling] Check My Crown Piling Collection
• Use this to check on the collections of crowns that you have collected, and also to make adjustments to which crowns you which to portray on your character
[Crown Piling] Challenge: Make Sparkling Star Crowns!
• To begin your Crown Piling collection, take this quest and collect 30 Sparkling Stars from monsters within your level range
• Upon handing in the Sparkling Stars you will receive a new Crown title! If the title you received is one that you have already obtained, you will be given a Crown Piece instead
[Crown Piling] Exchange Crown Pieces for Crowns!
• Crown Pieces that you have accumulated can be used to exchange for Crown titles that you have not obtained yet via this quest!
[Crown Piling] Mission: Complete A Sentence
• You will be given a task to wear equip specific Crown titles on your character. Completing this task will get you the “Crown Piling Master” medal
Aside from that, for each color tab of crowns that you have completed collecting, there are also individual rewards to be obtained! So do your best and collect them all!
Event Name: OX Quiz Event
Event Dates: 20th April 2016 ~ 17th May 2016, 2359hrs (GMT +8)
Level Requirement: Lvl 33+
Event Details: Accept the quest “[OX Quiz]What is Everyone’s OX Quiz About?”
Between 0700hrs til 2200hrs (GMT +8), keep an eye out for an invitation that will appear above your character at every 50th minute! Get ready to take part in the OX Quiz!

A total of 20 questions will be set at intervals during the event period, so try to answer them correctly as many as possible!
Rewards Obtainable from the Quiz:
• Spring Coins
• Spring Boxes
• Bonus Stage Tickets (using them brings you to a special map to get more Spring Coins!)
Event Name: Spring Attendance, Season 2
Event Dates: 27th April 2016 ~ 17th May 2016, 2359hrs (GMT +8)
Level Requirement: Lvl 33+
Event Details: Accept the quest “[Attendance] Challenge: Attendance Check!” from the Star Icon on the left side of the screen
Event Task:
(Daily) Kill 300 monsters within your level range (Below Lv 150: Monster level between -10 and +20 of character level, Above 150: Any monster above level 150+) and obtain an attendance stamp on the day that has been completed. Rewards can be claimed upon obtaining the stamp.

• You can clear each day’s attendance as many times as you wish, however you can only receive the attendance stamp and claim the rewards once a day per Maple ID
Event Name: Burning Project
Event Dates: 27th April 2016 ~ 7th June 2016, 2359hrs (GMT +8)
Level Requirement: Below level 100
Event Details: There will be a “Burning” button below characters that are eligible in your Character Selection screen
The Burning Project has returned for this patch!

Once again, you can power level up one of your character in your Maple ID by applying the Burning Effect bonus!
Characters with the Burning Effect will gain levels at triple the amount!
Aside from that, Burning Effect characters can accept the quest, “[Event]Burning Project: Unstoppable Growth!”, to receive the following items:
• Mysterious Secret Box
This box contains a limited time pet that can help you loot items and mesos while you level!
• Legendary Secret Box
This box contains a set of equipment catered for characters that are level 100. The box can only opened by then and not before reaching level 100. It contains:
> 1x Black Hat, Cape & Suit
> 1x Black Weapon Box & Black Secondary Weapon Box (each of this box will provide the character with class appropriate weapons)
• Only 1 Burning Character per Maple ID can be saved
• You cannot change or select another Burning Character once you have chosen
• If the Burning Character has been deleted, you can choose a new Burning Character, as long as its within the event period
• The +2 level bonus is only applicable up to level 99
• Growth-boosting effects may be eligible for benefits only during the duration of the event (e.g consuming a level up potion will gain you 1 + 2 levels)
Event Name: Maple Board Game – Questropoly!
Event Dates: 4th May 2016 ~ 17th May 2016, 2359hrs (GMT +8)
Level Requirement: Lvl 10+
Event Details: Click on the Dice Icon after expanding the Star Icon on the left side of the screen

Event Task:
• Click on the Dice Icon to open the Board Game UI
• Every 10 minutes you can obtain a dice by clicking on the “Get Dice” button on the board
• Click on “Roll” button to begin moving your character around the Board
• While moving around the board game, a couple of things can happen:
For each round completed (once you have stepped on the ‘Left Arrow’ tile), you will receive a Chaos Scroll 60%
Landing on a Bonus or “?” tile will allow you to obtain either one of the following items:
• Watermelon x 10
• Maple Power Player (+20 WA/MA for 60min buff)
• Super Power Player (+30 WA/MA for 60min buff)
• Spring Coin
Landing on an NPC tile will trigger a quest as follows:
- Hunt for monsters within level range to look for ‘Strange Ball of Yarn’
- Use the ‘Strange Ball of Yarn’ and it will summon a creature
- Defeat 5 of the creatures and then speak with NPC Nolbu in the Board Game UI
- Rewards: Reindeer Milk x 10, Ambition EXP +5
Mr. Do
- Hunt for monsters within level range to look for ‘Tae Sang’s Emblem’
- Use the ‘Tae Sang’s Emblem’ and you will be moved into another map
- Reach the top of the map to obtain whatever item is required
- Speak to NPC Mr. Do again in the Board Game UI
- Rewards: Sunrise Dew x 10, Ambition EXP +5
- Hunt for monsters within level range to look for ‘Brain Wave Recorders’
- Collect 100 of them and then speak with NPC Bruce in the Board Game UI
- Rewards: Sunrise Dew x 10, Insight EXP +5
- Hunt for monsters within level range to look for ‘Foreverfreeze Ice’
- Collect 10 of them and then speak with NPC Icarus in the Board Game UI
- Rewards: Sunrise Dew x 10, Diligence EXP +5
- Hunt for 300 monsters within your level range
- Rewards: Reindeer Milk x 10, Charm EXP +5
Mar the Fairy
- Hunt for monsters within level range to look for ‘Gentle Breeze Fans’
- Collect 10 of them and then speak with NPC Icarus in the Board Game UI
- Rewards: Melting Cheese x 10, Empathy EXP +5
- Hunt for 300 monsters
- Rewards: Reindeer Milk x 10, Willpower EXP +5