15 Dec 2020
AWAKE 2 Event Notes (v200)
Dear Maplers,
The training continues! Additional events are added for our v.200 Patch Update! Continue your training and look out for Guardian Angels from above!
1. AWAKE Tera Burning+ Season 2
2. AWAKE Mountain
2.1 AWAKE Celestial Treasure: Man Gong’s Jewel
2.2 AWAKE Elemental Training
2.3 AWAKE Rock-Paper-Scissors Season 2
2.4 AWAKE Bingo Season 2
3. Guardian Angel Season 2
4. Merry Maple Christmas
5. Sunday Maple
AWAKE Tera Burning+ Season 2
Event Duration: 16th December 2020, (After Patch) ~ 19th January 2021, 2359hrs
Requirement: Newly Created Characters during the event period (Level 10 and above)
How to Start: Create a new character and click on the
Project! Get a Gift! Quest via the Star Notifier
UP TO LEVEL 200! 1+2!! Time to AWAKEN your true potential… with a fresh start~! Newly created characters will be able to enjoy a Tera Burning effects with additional rewards after level 200!
All newly created classes can participate in the Tera Burning+ event except:
➢ Zen
➢ Zero
Tera Burning+ Season 1 (v.199) characters will not be able to participate in this event and will have to create another character to participate
Tera Burning’s 1+2 effect will only last until their respective levels and/or when the event period is over
Aside from the burning effect, participating characters will also receive the following rewards via the ‹Tera Burning› Project! Get a Gift! quest:
➢ Mysterious Secret Box
➢ Lv. 30 Equipment Box
➢ Legendary Secret Box
➢ Limited-time Root Abyss
➢ Eternal Flame Title Exchange Coupon
Participating characters can also receive additional rewards upon reaching level 200, 205 & 210
Level 200: Core Gemstone x20
Level 205: Core Gemstone x20 & EXP Core Gemstone x2
Level 210: Core Gemstone x50 & EXP Core Gemstone x3
AWAKE Mountain
It’s time...
Event Duration: 11th November 2020, (From v.199) ~ 19th January 2021, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 101+, Zero characters completing Chapter 2 for Story Quest
(Note: Zen characters cannot participate in this event)
How to Start: Accept starting quest
[AWAKE] AWAKE Time via the Star Notifier Icon
AWAKE Maplers! It’s time to pack up for the secretive AWAKE Mountain! Master your spirit alongside the pandas of Mu Lung and unleash your potential!
AWAKE Energy & Coins
The AWAKE Gauge will be used for players to keep track of their AWAKE Points that can be earned from various events within the AWAKE Mountain
AWAKE Energy will automatically be converted into AWAKE Coins which can be used in various AWAKE Coin Shops to purchase goodies
Every 100 AWAKE Energy is 1 AWAKE Coin (100:1)
The daily limit for AWAKE Energy is fixed at 30,000 AWAKE Points (300 Coins)
➢ Events that reward AWAKE Coins directly will not contribute to the daily limit
For more information on continuing AWAKE Events from v.199, do refer to the
AWAKE Event Notes (v.199)!
AWAKE Celestial Treasure: Man Gong’s Jewel
Hey Illium! Can you stop leaving your crystals all over the place?
Event Duration: 6th January 2021, 1000hrs ~ 19th January 2021, 2359hrs
Requirement: Accepted
[AWAKE] AWAKE Time quest
How to Start: Accept starting quest
[AWAKE] Celestial Treasure: Man Gong’s Jewel via the Star Notifier Icon or via
NPC So Gong
Shining Jewels & Crystals from Man Gong! Shine bright with spiritual energy and take your enemies along with you!
Upon accepting the quest, players will receive the Man Gong’s Jewel skill
The skill will automatically activate upon entering maps with level range monsters
Defeated level range monsters will have a chance to receive 100 AWAKE Energy
After collecting AWAKE Energy 10 times, the burst of energy will be released from Man Gong’s Jewel
➢ Players will receive either 2,000 AWAKE Energy or 4,000 AWAKE Energy when the skills energy is released
Upon releasing the skill energy, the counter will reset back to 0
The skill will automatically be deactivated when the daily AWAKE Energy limit is reached
AWAKE Elemental Training
Training again...
Event Duration: 6th January 2021, 1000hrs ~ 19th January 2021, 2359hrs
Requirement: Accepted
[AWAKE] AWAKE Time quest
How to Start: Accept starting quest
[AWAKE] Elemental Training via the Star Notifier Icon
It’s not all about physical training.. (According to So Gong anyhow) but one must also master their elemental side in order to be a master! Get additional AWAKE Coins everyday with Elemental Training!
Upon reaching the daily AWAKE Point limit, you can open the event UI and click ‘Receive Reward’ button to receive an additional 300 AWAKE Coins
You can only receive AWAKE Coins from Elemental Training once per day per world
➢ If you missed a day, the event progress will not reset but you will have to reach the AWAKE Point limit for that day
On the 5th day, you will be able to receive 600 AWAKE Coins
On the 10th day, you will be able to receive 1,000 AWAKE Coins
The exit notification will remind you if you have yet to receive AWAKE Coins from the Elemental Training event for that day
AWAKE Rock-Paper-Scissors Season 2
Rock beats Scissors!
Event Duration: 23rd December 2020, 1200hrs ~ 5th January 2021, 2345hrs
Requirement: Accepted
[AWAKE] AWAKE Time quest
Invitation Period: Every 15th & 45th Minute of every hour between 1200hrs ~ 2345hrs
How to Start: Accept invitation pop-up above the characters head
It’s Rock-Paper-Scissors yet again!
Each round you win will move you up a level. Losing drops you to a lower level!
You cannot advance past the 6th level or drop below the 1st level
Failure to cast your hand within the time limit will lead to a loss
9 Matches x3 rounds will be played every invitation
Earn rewards based on the floor achieved at the end of the 9 matches!
1st level: 500 AWAKE Energy
2nd level: 800 AWAKE Energy
3rd level: 1,000 AWAKE Energy
4th level: 1.200 AWAKE Energy
5th level: 1,500 AWAKE Energy
6th level: 2,000 AWAKE Energy
If the daily AWAKE Energy limit is reached, you will not earn any more AWAKE Energy from the event. However, you will still be able to participate in the event
If you leave the match half-way, you will not receive any rewards
AWAKE Bingo Season 2
Celestial numbers~ Let’s go!
Event Duration: 6th January 2021, 1200hrs ~ 19th January 2021, 2345hrs
Requirement: Accepted
[AWAKE] AWAKE Time quest
Invitation Period: Every 15th & 45th Minute of every hour between 1200hrs ~ 2345hrs
How to Start: Accept invitation pop-up above the characters head
B-I-N-G-O is back again!
So Gong will draw numbers from his AWAKEN box of bingo balls at random!
Click the numbers on your given board should they be called by So Gong
Attain a straight line of 5 numbers either horizontally, vertically or diagonally, to BINGO!
The game will end when 50 numbers have been drawn or there are 30 BINGOs
3 Bingo Rounds will be played every invitation
Earn rewards every time you finish a Bingo Round!
1st Place: 10,000 AWAKE Energy
2nd Place: 8,000 AWAKE Energy
3rd Place: 7,000 AWAKE Energy
4th Place: 6,000 AWAKE Energy
5th Place: 5,000 AWAKE Energy
6th ~ 10th Place: 4,000 AWAKE Energy
11th ~ 20th Place: 3,000 AWAKE Energy
21st ~ 30th Place: 2,000 AWAKE Energy
Unranked: 500 AWAKE Energy
If the daily AWAKE Energy limit is reached, you will not earn any more AWAKE Energy from the event. However, you will still be able to participate in the event
If you leave the match half-way, you will not receive any rewards
Guardian Angel Season 2
I'm your Guardian Angel~
Event Duration: 16th December 2020, 1000hrs ~ 29th December 2020, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 101+, Zero characters completing Chapter 2 for Story Quest
How to Start: Accept starting quest
[Guardian Angel Season 2] The Arrival via the Star Notifier Icon

Sweet Lill’s Angels are back to help you out! With a twist~
The Angel's quest line (Stages 1 to 3) can only be completed once a day per character and resets at midnight
➢ You must complete the stage 3 quest in order for the questline to reset
➢ In the event that stage 3 was completed after midnight, it will be counted as that day's quest and you will have to wait till midnight again before the quest line is reset
You will start from Stage 1 for all 4 Angel quests
You can only proceed to the next stage if you have completed the previous stage
Buffs all 4 Angel quests only last 5 minutes upon completion
Buffs from the same Angel DOES NOT STACK
➢ If Stage 1 buff is still active upon completing Stage 2, Stage 1 will be replaced with Stage 2
➢ In this scenario, the duration of the new buff will be reset back to 5 minutes
➢ However, buffs from different Angels will stack on top of one another
Ocean Siren
[Guardian Angel Season 2] Ocean Siren Stage 1
Objective: Achieve 300 Combo kills with level range monsters
Reward: 1.25x Potential Tier Up Rate Buff
[Guardian Angel Season 2] Ocean Siren Stage 2
Objective: Achieve 600 Combo kills with level range monsters
Reward: 1.5x Potential Tier Up Rate Buff
[Guardian Angel Season 2] Ocean Siren Stage 3
Objective: Achieve 900 Combo kills with level range monsters
Reward: 1.75x Potential Tier Up Rate Buff
[Guardian Angel Season 2] Polaris Stage 1
Objective: Eliminate 300 level range monsters
Reward: 1.25x Star Force Enhancement Rate Buff
[Guardian Angel Season 2] Polaris Stage 2
Objective: Eliminate 600 level range monsters
Reward: 1.5x Star Force Enhancement Rate Buff
[Guardian Angel Season 2] Polaris Stage 3
Objective: Eliminate 900 level range monsters
Reward: 1.75x Star Force Enhancement Rate Buff
Lil White Star
[Guardian Angel Season 2] Lil White Star Stage 1
Objective: Activate 1 Rune
Reward: 10% reduction in chance of destruction for Star Force Enhancement
[Guardian Angel Season 2] Lil White Star Stage 2
Objective: Activate 2 Rune
Reward: 20% reduction in chance of destruction for Star Force Enhancement
[Guardian Angel Season 2] Lil White Star Stage 3
Objective: Activate 3 Rune
Reward: 40% reduction in chance of destruction for Star Force Enhancement
Crimson Phoenix
[Guardian Angel Season 2] Crimson Phoenix Stage 1
Objective: Get 100 Multi-kills with level range monsters
Reward: 1.25x Spell Trace Success Rate
[Guardian Angel Season 2] Crimson Phoenix Stage 2
Objective: Get 200 Multi-kills with level range monsters
Reward: 1.5x Spell Trace Success Rate
[Guardian Angel Season 2] Crimson Phoenix Stage 3
Objective: Get 300 Multi-kills with level range monsters
Reward: 1.75x Spell Trace Success Rate
Merry Maple Christmas
Feliz Navidad~ Próspero año y felicidad~
Event Duration: 24th December 2020, 1000hrs ~ 26th December 2020, 2359hrs
Requirement: Level 101+, Zero characters completing Chapter 2 for Story Quest
How to Start: Accept starting quest
[Christmas] Merry Maple Christmas Guide via the Star Notifier Icon
Ho HO HO!! It’s time of the year again maplers!!
Man, time passes so fast...
The old Happyville Map will also be reopened for a limited period of time and we have something special in-store so keep posted! :3
[Christmas] Merry Maple Christmas Gift
Upon accepting the quest, you will be rewarded with a Maple World's Santa Mount Exchange Coupon
➢ Coupon Duration : 7 Days
➢ Mount is Inter-Account Tradeable
➢ Mount after use is Permanent
You can get the mount only ONCE PER WORLD
“Psssttt” Maybe you can be the Santa? Some NPCs want presents
[Christmas] Decorate Christmas Trees!
Upon accepting the quest, players will need to hunt level range monsters to get Christmas Tree Ornaments
Collect 20 Christmas Tree Ornaments and you will be rewarded sweetly~
You may only complete this quest Once Per Day Per World
You may only receive the rewards Once Per Day Per World
Completing the daily quest will reward you with the following:
[Gift 1]: Red Snowman Hat Exchange Coupon
↪ Coupon Duration : 7 Days
↪ Inter-Account Tradeable
↪ Cash Item is Untradeable
↪ Cash Item is Permanent
[Gift 2]: Heart Snowman Fur Coat Exchange Coupon
↪ Coupon Duration : 7 Days
↪ Inter-Account Tradeable
↪ Cash Item is Untradeable
↪ Cash Item is Permanent
[Gift 3]: Christmas Wreath Label & Quote Ring (30 Days) Exchange Coupon
↪ Coupon Duration : 7 Days
↪ Inter-Account Tradeable
↪ Cash Item is Untradeable
↪ Cash Item is 30 days
Sunday Maple
AWAKEN Sunday Take 2~
First Sunday: 20th December 2020
3x EXP Coupon (15 min) x3
AWAKE Energy Gain & Gain Limit x2
Second Sunday: 27th December 2020
Rune EXP Buff effect +100%
Combo Kill Orb EXP gain +300%
AWAKE Energy Gain & Gain Limit x2
Third Sunday: 3rd January 2021
Ability Reset Cost 50% off
Selectable Arcane Symbol Exchange Coupon x30
AWAKE Energy Gain & Gain Limit x2
Forth Sunday: 10th January 2021
100% chance of successful Star Force enhancement at 5/10/15 Stars
AWAKE Energy Gain & Gain Limit x2
Fifth Sunday: 17th January 2021
Spell Trace Enhancement Cost 50% off
Chance of obtaining Augmented Souls when using Soul Shards x5
AWAKE Energy Gain & Gain Limit x2