15 Dec 2020
AWAKE 2 Patch Notes (v200)
Dear Maplers,
AWAKEN YOUR POWERS.. AGAIN! Ever wonder what secrets laid within the old Sharenian Knights or what lay beneath the waters of Esfera? Find out more in AWAKE 2 patch update!

1. Dimension Library Episode 6: Sharenian Knights2. Celestars
3. Miscellaneous Updates
Dimension Library Episode 6: Sharenian Knights
This is the way~

Relive & experience the Ancient Kingdom of Sharenian by following in the footsteps of the Sharenian Knights! Witness lost secrets unfolded as the true story of the Sharenian Knights is revealed~
Available from 16th December 2020, after patch.
The Sharenian Knight Medal & Oath of That Day chair can be obtained upon completion of Dimension Library Episode 6: Sharenian Knights

Into the depth… of the unknown

Level Requirement: Level 240+
Starting Quest: [Celestars] How to Fix the Radio
Prerequisite: Completed Esfera's story quest
Available from 6th January 2021, 1000hrs
Legend has it, deep down in the depths of Esfera holds the secret long lost in the time of old.. But what exactly does these depths hide?
Dive into the deep waters of Esfera and begin a surprisingly enlightening adventure!
Upon completing Celestars, you will receive 20x Arcane Exchange Coupons, Expedition Driver's Helm and Star Devouring Whale Medal