18 May 2011
Big Bang Patch Notes
Dear Maplers,
The upcoming patch of Big Bang Version 1.04:
1. The Beginning of Changes!
2. Pet Skill System!
3. Fishing Lagoon!
4. Welcome New Maplers! (Event Period: 18/05/2011 – 30/06/2011)
5. Rejoice for Reunion! (Event Period: 18/05/2011 – 24/05/2011)
6. Evolving Ring Event! (Event Period: 18/05/2011 – 15/06/2011)
7. They Are Coming! (Event Period: 18/05/2011 – 24/05/2011)
8. Expedition Channel Changes
9. Big Bang Cash Shop Update
10. [Download] v1.04 Full Client & Manual Patch
1. The Beginning of Changes!
• Experience curve for leveling is less steep after Big Bang than it was previously. This means from Level.10 on, the amount of experience points needed to progress from one level to the next is lower, making leveling up faster.
Stats System
• The formulas for damage, defense, accuracy, and avoidability have all been overhauled extensively.
• Accuracy is decreased significantly if you try to attempt monsters with level higher than you which might prove to be too difficult to handle.
• Several changes have been made to maps throughout Maple World, with the most extensive change being a completely rearranged Victoria Island.
• Towns have new layouts, and many monster maps have been removed or replaced.
• Hovering the mouse pointer over a map will reveal the NPCs and monster in that map. The level range of the monster is also displayed.
• Foot travel to the Victoria Island towns has been expedited with the addition of Six Path Crossway to the center of the island as a hub.
• The entrance to Sleepywood and the airships to Orbis, Ereve and Singapore have been moved to Six Path Crossway as well.
• All Party Quests, Zipangu, New Leaf City and a brand new Event Map can be access via Mirror of Dimension, Versatile Portal!
Party Quests
• The starting levels for some party quests have been changed, and the upper level restriction for most party quests has been removed.
• Easy access to most Party Quests via Mirror of Dimension!
• Many party quests that weren’t previously in the Party Search menu have been added to it.
• Additional Party Quest tab is added into Quest Info!
• Reward modification has been made to some of the party quests.
Normal Quests
• Quest requirements have been adjusted in response to the changes in maps and in monster levels.
• Quests that are now for a different level than before have had their rewards adjusted accordingly.
• The hunting and/or collecting requirements for the completion of many quests have been lowered for faster quest completion.
• The experience rewarded for many quests that are still for the same level has been increased.
• Most monsters throughout Maple World have had adjustments made to their levels, to varying degrees.
• The stats of monsters—as well as the experience they give, the amount of mesos they drop, and the level of the equipment they drop—have been adjusted accordingly.
• The levels of monsters have been specifically adjusted and consolidated to one area in order to prevent an excessive need for travel throughout Maple World for quests of certain level.
• Some monster maps are now restricted by level to help prevent players from wandering into areas that are beyond their level range.
• Skills for all jobs and classes have been revamp by replacing useful new skills to replace unpopular skills to enhance your mapling experience.
• If you had Skill Points assigned to a skill that has been removed, those points will be returned to your SP pool.
• A warning message will appear when you assign Skill Points obtained from lower tier job advancement into higher tier, to prevent you from accidentally assigning too many skill points to the wrong skill tier.
New System Features
• New support of resolution of 1024×768!
• New Pet Skill System!
• Revamp Fishing Lagoon!

2. Pet Skill System!
There are various benefits for all Maplers with this change!
• ALL PETS are able pick up MESO complimentary with the launch of Pet Skill System!
• Works similar to pet equipments like Meso Magnet and HP Potion Pouch but better! All skills learnt by the pet will be for permanent!
• Required to purchase the skills from Cash Shop. Works similar like pet equipments like Meso Magnet and HP Potion Pouch but better! All skills learnt by the pet will be for permanent!
• Total of 7 different skills available for all pets to learn! (Except for Alien Pet)
• Alien Pet by default are equipped with 5 pet skills permanently! (Existing Alien Pet owners should be smiling now ^^)
- Item Pick-up Skill
- HP Charge Skill
- Expand Range Skill
- Automatic Pick-Up Skill
- (+) Pick up Leftover Item & Meso Skills

3. Fishing Lagoon!
Hooray! Fishing Maps are now upgraded to provide a better fishing experience for all!
Gear up with either Penguin Fishing Assistant/Kitty Fishing Assistant and with adequate supply of Fishing Bait Can, you can start bouncing off to Free Market to enter your choice of Fishing Lagoon map via the rainbow fish located at the far right of the Free Market.
What are your choices for the Fishing Lagoon maps? There are 3 of them, Universe Fishing Lagoon, Fantasy Fishing Lagoon and Fairy Fishing Lagoon. All fishing lagoon maps shares the same rewards, choice of map is really up to your personal preference of fishing experience.
Even though the Fishing Assistant is there to assist you in your fishing, your presence in-game is required to make your assistant feel close to you.
If you are missing from the Fishing Assistant for a period of time, your Fishing Assistant will pack up and leave home to rest.
So, stay in-game with your Fishing Assistant during fishing. You do not have to be in the fishing lagoon, just stay in-game and your assistant will be happy to serve you!
How to keep track of my fishing rewards? Check out your fishing rewards from Fishing Manager (Madrick) or your Fishing Assistant and choose to collect your catch when you are free!
Works almost like a Shop Permit!
To know the important points for a pleasant fishing experience, please speak to Madrick or refer to his below speech. Follow his guide carefully because we know you will not want your fishing rewards to go missing!

4. Welcome New Maplers! (Event Period: 18/05/2011 – 30/06/2011)
If you are new in joining us as a big family starting from 18th May 2011 (after Big Bang Patch), we would love to make your journey with us a delightful one!
Besides meeting new friends, you will get rewarded for job advancement completed for your character!
Check out the details here!
1. First Job Advancement
This marks the first job accomplishment of your character. Rewards will be given to let you experience scrolling, identifying potential of your item and try out our magnificent mount! We hope you love them!
• Magnifying Glass (Basic)
• Dark Scroll for One Handed ATT 40% for WA or MA (According to job)
• 10 Days Mount Coupons (Either Pink Bear, Yeti or Nightmare)
2. Second Job Advancement
Wow, you have advanced progressively and we really want to congratulate on your perseverance.
Sending you a 14 Day Pet to keep you company during your training session and assist in collecting Mesos from monsters.
Take a look of the pets that we have for you! Bunny, Kitty or Puppy, will you able to get your dream pet?
3. First 10 Friends
Do you have a bunch of friends training with you by now? If not, we want to motivate you in meeting new friends and get rewarded at the same time!
Buddy up 10 Maplers and get 3 X VIP Teleport Rock free! What does the VIP Teleport Rock do? Oh trust me, it helps a lot in getting around in our Maple World.

Rejoice for Reunion! (Event Period: 18/05/2011 – 24/05/2011)
A call for Reunion for long lost friends and buddies during Big Bang Patch! This May calls for another celebration besides our Big Bang Patch, and that will be the coming of our 6th Year Anniversary for MapleSEA!
For Maplers who have not login your maple account with any character from 18th November 2010 to 18th May 2011 (Before Big Bang Patch), you will get to enjoy complimentary 10,000 Maple Points credited to your Maple Account when you join us this May (after Big Bang Patch).
Come on, call your friends to experience the change today and they may get rewarded for joining us!

6.Evolving Ring Event! (Event Period: 18/05/2011 – 15/06/2011)
To celebrate the start of a Evolution, Here comes Evolving Ring Event!
When you first get it, it will have no stats, but give it time and it will evolve into the best ring you own!
The Evolving Ring can evolve up to 17 times, once per day!
This is what you have to do to start getting your evolving ring:
- Log in and talk to NPC Cody at Event Map to receive a ring. This ring will have no stats.
- Explore the new Maple World for 1 hour. If you log out not having stayed the full hour, the ring will disappear.
- When you have stayed the full hour in Maple World, your ring will evolve into a level 1 ring automatically!
This is what will need to do from 2nd to 17th times of the evolving process:
- Log in and tell NPC Cody you want to evolve your ring. He will give you a box.
- Explore the new Maple World for an hour. If you log out not having stayed the full hour, the box will disappear.
- When you have stayed the hour, the box will automatically open up to reveal a potion.
- Take the potion back to Cody to evolve your ring.
Be sure to talk to NPC Cody on the last day of the event, 15th June 2011 to evolve your ring one last time to change your ring into TRADEABLE!

7.They Are Coming! (Event Period: 18/05/2011 – 25/05/2011)
They are coming.
The Dark Forces.
The Rebels.
The question is, are you ready for them?
To prepare every maplers, NPC Cassandra will be guiding and preparing you for soon to arrive battle!
You will be rewarded with Resistance Energy Capsule and Resistance Weapon Box that will help you grow your Resistance character later on!

8.Expedition Channel Changes
Please kindly refer to the below table showing the different channels available for expeditions.

9.Big Bang Cash Shop Update
New Cash Items!
• Penguin Fishing Assistant
• Kitty Fishing Assistant
• “Fishing Bait Can For Fishing Assistant Use Only”
• Regular Hair Coupon
• VIP Hair Coupon
• Regular Hair Color Coupon
• VIP Hair Color Coupon
• Regular Plastic Surgery Coupon
• VIP Plastic Surgery Coupon
• Regular Cosmetic Lens Coupon
• VIP Cosmetic Lens Coupon
• Skin Care Coupon
• Item Pick-up Skill
• HP Charge Skill
• Expand Range Skill
• Automatic Pick-Up Skill
• (+) Pick up Leftover Item & Meso Skills
• Unpickable Item Skill
• MP Potion Recharge Skill
• (-) Delete Item Pick-Up
• (-) Delete HP Charge
• (-)Delete Expand Range
• (-) Delete Automatic Pick-Up
• (-) Delete Pick up Leftover Item & Meso
• Ga-cha-pon Ticket (50)
• Premium Miracle Cube
• Warrior 1st-2nd Level Skill Effect
• Mage 1st-2nd Level Skill Effect
• Bowman 1st-2nd Level Skill Effect
• Thief 1st-2nd Level Skill Effect
• Party Bonus Coupon
• 1-Day Special Coupon
• Alien Pet Package
• All hair coupons, face, cosmetic lens have been consolidated. You will only find REG and VIP versions of the style, color versions. These coupons can be used in any town that has a hair salon. Corresponding NPCs are in place to accept these in major towns.
• Showa Beauty Package
• Henesys Beauty Package
• Ludibrium Beauty Package
• Alien Pet Package
Revision of package and pricing
• Alien Pet
• Sun Wu Gong Pet Package
• Robo Package
• Penguin Pet Package
• Yeti Pet Package
• Monkey Pet Package
• Robot Pet Package
• Elephant Pet Package
• Bunny’s Package
• Kitty’s Package
• Puppy’s Package
• Black Pig’s Package
• Panda’s Package
• Mini Cargo’s Package
• Dino Gal’s Package
• Dino Boy’s Package
• Husky’s Package

10. [Download] v1.04 Full Client & Manual Patch
The v1.01 full client and manual patch download are available NOW!
We advise maplers to start downloading the provided manual patches earlier to avoid downloading congestion during or after the patch.
Please kindly refer our Download Page for the latest version on client downloading.
Full Client
Full Version (V1.04 Full Client)
MD5 Checksum:5bfd21b04507d268f03eb1ee36b4b979
Manual Patch
Please kindly take note to only start doing the manual patching after 18th May 2011, 0700hrs (+8 GMT) so as not to interrupt your game play before the Game Client Patch.
1. After downloading the manual patch file, double-click on the patcher -> Select the folder where the game is installed.
2. For most users, the default folder is c:\program files\wizet\maplestory.
3. *If you receive an error (canvas.dll is corrupt), please download the new client.
4. *If you receive an error (maplestory.exe not found), please select the correct folder.
Manual Patch
[Media Fire] Manual Patch v1.02 ~ v1.04 Mirror Link
[GameFront] Manual Patch v1.02 ~ v1.04 Mirror Link
[Sendspace] Manual Patch v1.02 ~ v1.04 Mirror Link
[4Shared] Manual Patch v1.02 ~ v1.04 Mirror Link
Manual Patch v1.02 ~ v1.04
[Ziddu] Manual Patch v1.02 ~ v1.04
Manual Patch v1.01 ~ v1.04
[Media Fire] Manual Patch v1.01 ~ v1.04
Big Bang DVD Client Manual Patch
For players who acquired Big Bang DVD Client from various channels and partners in Malaysia and Singapore, please kindly download the manual patch from the following links.
[Media Fire] Manual Patch v1.03 ~ v1.04 Mirror Link (DVD Client Only)
[4Shared] Manual Patch v1.03 ~ v1.04 Mirror Link (DVD Client Only)
[GameFront] Manual Patch v1.03 ~ v1.04 Mirror Link (DVD Client Only)
[Sendspace] Manual Patch v1.03 ~ v1.04 Mirror Link (DVD Client Only)
[Ziddu] Manual Patch v1.03 ~ v1.04 Mirror Link (DVD Client Only)
Manual Patch v1.03 ~ v1.04 (DVD Client Only)
– MapleSEA Administrator