06 Aug 2013
[Updated] Cygnus Returns Class Notes
Dear Maplers,

Behold, Empress Cygnus has awakened!
With her new powers, Cygnus has raised the honor of her Knights, and they have now grown much stronger than before!
Let us familiarize ourselves with the new Cygnus Knights and the new powers that they have to offer!
Return of the Cygnus Knights

Equipped with just knuckles and fighting with martial fighting abilities, the pirate of the Cygnus Knights mainly wield the lightning element in their attacks. After the awakening of the Empress, the Striker has become more powerful, combining their roots of origin from the sea with the power of their infused element.
The Striker is uniquely known for chaining their skill attacks. As such, they have gained a passive skill that further improves their ability in chaining attacks.

Aside from chaining attacks, the Striker also has the capability of breaking enemies’ defenses through their Element Infusion skill.
When activated, every hit that the Striker deals allows the activation of the Lightning Infusion buff – an effect that passively ignores a certain amount of enemy defense. This effect grows stronger as the Striker becomes more adept in his ability to wield the element of lightning, through higher job advancements. When the effect is stacked for a certain amount, unleashing the skill, Whirlwind, will consume all the stacked effects and provide the Striker with even more damage for a short period of time.

Start one for a uniquely shocking experience – the electrifying Striker!
Wind Breaker

The finest archer of the Cygnus Knight, the Wind Breaker wields the element of wind. Players who love playing the Bowmaster will find playing the Wind Breaker to be of a familiar experience. However, after the Empress awakens, the Wind Breaker has grown even stronger, surpassing its predecessor.
To start off, the Wind Walk ability allows Wind Breakers to traverse areas in a unique way. The Wind Breaker will not receive any collision damage while performing the Wind Walk.
The Wind Breaker is also known previously for their ability to transform into the legendary archer. They can no longer do that now; instead they channel the spirit of the legendary archer to boost their fighting capabilities.

They also have a new skill, one which upgrades and becomes stronger with each advancement – Trifling Whim (I, II, III).
While the Wind Breaker unleashes volleys of arrows on enemies, the wind spirit lends a hand in calling forth little homing arrows to seek out other nearby enemies meanwhile.
They are also able to summon forth the Emerald Flower, a crystal that gives off a sickly sweet scent and debuffs enemies that are attracted by it.
And lastly who could ever forget the first ever held-down skill attack from the Bowmaster, the Hurricane? The Wind Breaker does not forget its roots as an archer; and they have refined their own version of the Hurricane – a more devastating, Cyclone.

Be part of the winds of change, be a Wind Breaker!
Soul Master

Always in the frontline, these warriors of the Cygnus Knight wield the element of soul. After the awakening of the Empress, the Soul Master has found an affinity with both the sun and moon.
Using this new found power, the Soul Masters have developed “stances”, fighting techniques that provide the Cygnus Knight warriors bonuses depending on the stance they are currently in. There are currently 2 stances – Luna Stance, learnt in 2nd advancement and Sol Stance, learnt in 3rd advancement.

While active in each stance, the Soul Master is presented with different set of skills, each one suited to compliment to the stance that they are currently in. However, upon completing the 4th job advancement, the Soul Master gains the ability to harmonize both stances into one at the same time, called Soluna’s Harmony.
When activating this unique stance the Soul Master gains bonuses from both stances. The stances will keep alternating, allowing the Soul Master to unleash devastating skills onto enemies.

With the power of Soul, be enlightened, be a Soul Master!
Non-Cygnus Knights Class Rebalancing Orders

The following skills have been adjusted:
3rd Job
- Stunning Strikes: Adjusted to add extra damage dealt on stunned monsters
- Aerial Barrage: After skill is used, the character will remain in mid-air
4th Job
- *New Skill* Advanced Stunning Strikes
- Ishtar’s Ring: Adjusted to increase damage and range of skill
- Defense Break: Adjusted to ignore monster’s defense and elemental resistance at a fixed rate now
Hyper Skill
- *Removed Skill* Ishtar’s Ring – Add Range and Ishtar’s Ring – Tempest Link
- *New Skill* Ishtar’s Ring – Ignore Guard and Ishtar’s Ring – Boss Kill

The following skills have been adjusted:
- Stolen skills now have increased Attack and duration
- *New Skill* Judgement Draw Mode
2nd Job
- Calling Card: Adjusted to increase number of targets hit
4th Job
- Judgement Draw: Tuteur Card (increases DEF) effect has been removed
- Carte Blanche / Carte Noire: Adjusted to increase damage, no longer triggers Damage Reflect
- Milles Aiguilles: Adjusted to increase damage, movement speed limit has been removed
- >Penombre: Adjusted to increase range
Hyper Skill
- *Removed Skill* Milles Aiguilles – Top Speed
- *New Skill* Milles Aiguilles – Ignore Guard
- Rose Carte Finale: Adjusted for planted cards on the ground to deal continuous damage for a short period of time
- Final Judgement Draw: Defense effect has been removed
Angelic Buster, Kaiser, Luminous
The following skills have been adjusted:

- Terms and Conditions: Adjusted Link Skill Level to increase to Level 2
- Iron Will: Adjusted Link Skill Level to increase to Level 2
- Light Wash: Adjusted Link Skill Level to increase to Level 2
– MapleSEA Administrator