16 Aug 2013
[Update] Cygnus Returns Event notes
Dear Maplers,
The following events will be activated on 7th August 2013, 0900hrs (+8 GMT).
3. [System Event] Max Level Extension Support Event (Event Date: 07/08/2013 0900hrs – 17/10/2013, 0000hrs (+8 GMT)
The following events will be activated on 9th August 2013, 0900hrs (+8 GMT).
4. [System Event] SG and MY National Day Event (Event Date: 09/08/2013 0900hrs – 03/09/2013, 0859hrs (+8 GMT)
The following events will be activated on 18th August 2013, 0900hrs (+8 GMT).
5. [System Event] Maple Fall Sports Meet (Event Date: 18/08/2013 0900hrs – 03/09/13, 0859hrs (+8 GMT)
Note: Event dates may be subjected to changes
1. [System Event] Striker , Soul Master , Wind Breaker Revamp Celebration (Event Date: 07/08/2013 0900hrs – 03/09/2013, 0859hrs (+8 GMT)
With the return of the Cygnus Knights, all newly created Strikers , Soul Masters , and Wind Breakers reaching the respective levels will receive free gifts to aid the new journey.
At levels 10,15,20,25,30,35,40,50,60,70, accept the quest “Gift for Striker”, “Gift for Soul Master” or “Gift for Wind Breaker” and you will receive an equipment box for the respective level and equipment for your respective class.

At level 15 , the Cygnus Returns medal will be provided together with the completion of the Level 15 Gift quest and has +6 all stats , +6 WA , +6 MA.

At level 50 , the Unlimited Ring will be provided together with the completion of the level 50 Gift quest and has +3 all stats , +2 WA , +2 MA , +10 W.Def , +10 M.Def.

At level 70 , a special headpiece will be provided together with the completion of the level 70 Gift quest according to the respective class, and has +10 all stats , +150 HP , +150 MP , +100 W.Def , +100 M.Def

*Note 1: The Cygnus Returns Medal, Unlimited Ring, and Intention headpiece items will have a chance to have additional options and the actual item obtained may have a chance to differ slightly in stats.
*Note 2: All quest rewards must be accepted at the respective levels and will not be available once the character has leveled up.
Example: The level 10 Equipment box must be accepted while the character is level 10, and the reward will no longer be available upon reaching level 11.
2. Mesoranger Entrance Examination (Event Date: 07/08/2013 0900hrs – 27/08/2013, 0859hrs (+8 GMT)
Ever since the first appearance of the Mesorangers in Omega Sector, Maplers everywhere have always dreamt of how it would be like to be a Mesoranger.. well the chance has finally arrived!
Dr.Kim and Dr.Pepper are hosting the Entrance Examinations for all aspiring Mesorangers so approach them to get officially recognized! Begin your Mesoranger journey by clicking on the Mesoranger Event icon at the side of your screen, and Dr.Kim will brief you on all the information that you need.
In order to pass the examinations, you’ll have to prove that you have what it takes! You can do this by collecting Courage, Will, and Faith orbs from monsters or quests or killing bosses. These orbs come in 3 different grades (Green,Blue,and Red, respectively) as well and a higher grade will earn you a higher score. To start the exam, you must have at least one of each type, regardless of which grade they are. Blue orbs will show that you’re more qualified and give you more bonus points. Similarly, red orbs are the best qualifications and will give you even more bonus points in your Examination!

In addition to collecting the orbs , you can also show off your great qualities (Intellectual Poise, Fashion Sense, A Genuine Smile, A Sincere Expression~) by collecting self-help books for Dr.Pepper. These books will also give you bonus points to boost your Examination score!
After the General and Pepper add up your bonus points from your presentation, Dr. Kim will ask you a few questions which will determine your final score. Then they’ll add it all up!If your total score is over 1000, congratulations, you’re the newest Mesoranger!

If you are able to obtain over 1000 points for your examination, you’ll receive Pepper’s Celebration Box as well as a random Mesoranger equipment! However, if you did not reach 1000, you’ll only get Pepper’s Celebration Box.

Work hard enough and you will be able to don the full Mesoranger costume , which consists of 2 set effects as well!

*Note: Mesoranger set effects will only be activated when wearing the same color hat and suit
Upon opening Pepper’s Celebration Box, various items will be awarded:
- Command Center / Ludibrium Warp Capsule
- Transformation Potions
- Personality Trait Potions
- Ore/Gem/Crystal Pouch (Double click to receive 1 random Ore/Gem/Crystal)
- 7-Day Riding coupons (Race Kart , Pink Scooter)
- 10-Day Riding coupons (Motorcycle , Power Suit)
- Soul Teddy Chair , Pink Parasol Chair
- Mesoranger Armor Scrolls 60%
- Mystery Mastery Book
Cassandra has also heard of the Mesoranger Examinations and she has decided to provide additional rewards to encourage our Maplers to join the Mesoranger force! Take part in the Examinations at least once a day during the event to mark your attendance with Cassandra and receive additional token rewards!

- Power Elixers
- Spaceship Mount (7 days)
- Mesoranger Miraculous Chaos Scroll 60%
- Fairy’s Pendant (30 days)
- Chaos Scroll 60%
- Advanced Potential Scroll
- Mesoranger Android Coupon (30 days)
- Cassandra’s Spell
3. [System Event] Max Level Extension Support Event (Event Date: 07/08/2013 0900hrs – 17/10/2013, 0000hrs (+8 GMT)
With the increase of the Max level to 250, Maple Administrator has decided to provide rewards to support our Maplers that embrace this newfound power!
At levels 200,201, and 202, accept the reward from the star icon notification to receive Frontier A Gear.
*Note: The quests must be accepted by level 204 and all Frontier A gear not received will be forfeited at level 205.

At levels 205,206,and 207, accept the reward from the star icon notification to receive Frontier B Gear.
*Note: The quests must be accepted by level 209 and all Frontier B gear not received will be forfeited at level 210.

At levels 210,211,and 212, accept the reward from the star icon notification to receive Frontier C Gear.
*Note: The quests must be accepted by level 214 and all Frontier C gear not received will be forfeited at level 215.

Complete your Frontier Set by obtaining Frontier Coins from monsters and exchanging them with NPC Inkstone.

4. [System Event] SG and MY National Day Event (Event Date: 09/08/2013 0900hrs – 03/09/2013, 0859hrs (+8 GMT)
Singapore and Malaysia are celebrating their birthdays this month! To join in the festivities, we have lined up some simple events to get everyone in the birthday mood!
SG National Day Event 09/08/2013 0900hrs – 20/08/2013 0000hrs (+8 GMT)
Accept the quest from Maple Administrator “[SG] Onward Singapore!” and complete it to obtain a Singapore Celebration Box as well. This quest can only be done once a day.
Slime Boss has decided to join in the celebrations by appearing all over Maple World! Maplers can hunt them and they will have a chance to drop the Singapore Celebration Box
Obtain the Onward Singapore Set to show your support for Singapore as well!

MY National Day Event 21/08/2013 0900hrs – 04/09/2013 0000hrs (+8 GMT)
Accept the quest from Maple Administrator “[MY] My Country, Malaysia!” and complete it to obtain a

Slime Boss has decided to join in the celebrations by appearing all over Maple World! Maplers can hunt them and they will have a chance to drop the

Obtain the My Country, Malaysia Set to show your support for Malaysia!

Please note that Demon Slayer, Demon Avenger, Angelic Buster, Kaiser and Xenon will not be able to equip the National Day Weapon.
5. [System Event] Maple Fall Sports Meet (Event Date: 18/08/2013 0900hrs – 03/09/13, 0859hrs (+8 GMT)
It’s Fall season in MapleSEA! Cassandra and Wonky have lined up many activities to keep you entertained during the Sports season!
Begin by speaking to Cassandra for the quest “[Sports Day] Autumn Sports Day Notification” and she will provide 1 “2013 Sports Day Coin”.
Note: This quest can be done once a day for the duration of the entire event.
Accept the quest “[Sports Day] Gotta quench my thirst” from Cassandra and hold the Sports Drink for 30 mins to receive EXP and 1 “2013 Sports Day Coin”.
Note: This quest can be done 20 times a day,and will be available for the duration of the entire event.

Wonky is hungry from all the activities and needs to make a Bento set to fuel his energy to keep him going! Accept the quest “[Sports Day] Sports Day Bento for Wonky” and help him collect the ingredients he needs! Wonky will provide you with EXP and a “Wonky’s Sporty Cheer” buff.
Note: This quest can be repeated 20mins after each completion, and will only be available from 18/08/2013 0900hrs – 26/08/2013 0859hrs
Interested in Tug-Of-War, Maple Style? Accept the event invitation that appears every 30 minutes in order to teleport to the Maple Sports Field!
Players will be randomly assigned to either the White team, or the Blue team. The objective is to be the first team that defeats the opposing team’s bear!

If neither team’s bear is defeated after 5 minutes, the team that has the bear with a higher HP will be the winner.
Players in the winning team will be awarded with 5 Sports Day Coin”, and players in the losing team will be awarded with 3 Sports Day Coins. In the event of a tie (both bears have the same HP), all players will receive 2 Sports Day Coins.
Note: The Tug-Of-War will only be available from 18/08/2013 0900hrs – 26/08/2013 0859hrs.
Headmaster Fredi is looking for strong and healthy maplers for the Gourd Breaking contest! Accept the event invitation that appears every 30 minutes in order to teleport to the Maple Sports Field!
Players that accept the invitation will be put together in a party and attempt to join forces to break the gourd!

If the gourd is successfully broken, all players will receive a reward ranging from 3 to 5 Sports Day Coins
If players are unable to defeat the gourd , they will only receive 1 Sports Day Coin”
To encourage maplers to stay active during the weekend, all [Sports Day] event rewards will be doubled during the weekend!
*Note: Only the Daily quest “[Sports Day] Autumn Sports Day Notification” will provide the regular reward of 1 Maple Sports coin
All “2013 Sports Day Coin” can be spent at NPC wonky in the Events Map!

Updated as of 16th Aug 2013
-MapleSEA Administrator