06 Jan 2016
Event Notes for RISE (v155)

On-going Events
- MIB Codename: Defrost Series of Events
- MIB: Frozen & Hot Hero
- Maple Content Book
- MIB Briefcase
- Operation Name: Crash!
- Return to Korean Folk Town
- MIB: Attendance, Season II
- MIB: Burning Project, Season II
New Events
1. Sengoku High School Season 2
2. Break the Safe Events
3. Freud’s Diary Episode 2: The Onyx Pendant
4. MIB: Attendance, Season III
1. Sengoku High School Season 2

Event Period: 6th January 2016 – 26th January 2016, 2359hrs (GMT +8)
Minimum level requirement: Level 33+
Boss Kumi has returned for the start of a new school season! Maplers are being called upon to visit the school as Oda Nobunaga has returned, claiming his rights to rule over the school! In exchange for his loyalty, he has issued challenges for you to complete, and many rewards to obtain!
This is a progressive stage dungeon, where the further you progress in, the more EXP and Oda coins you will receive. Collect the coins and use them to purchase equipment from NPC Goemon. A new quest unlocking a skill awaits those who complete the Sengoku High School Set!
To obtain a Challenge Ticket each day, speak to Boss Kumi and help her to complete a simple task. Meanwhile, if you wish to enter more than once, the Sengoku Remedial Challenge Tickets will be available from the Cash Shop for the duration of the event.
2. Break the Safe Events

Spend your Sundays with your buddies at being crafty with the Destiny’s Vault!
Day 1: 10 January 2016, 1000hrs to 2200hrs (GMT +8)
Day 2: 17 January 2016, 1000hrs to 2200hrs (GMT +8)
Day 3: 24 January 2016, 1000hrs to 2200hrs (GMT +8)
Day 4: 31 January 2016, 1000hrs to 2200hrs (GMT +8)
Gold Richie has come back with his safe once again! Gold Richie Figures will be dropping from monsters within your character level range during the above mentioned event times, so keep an eye out for them!
After which, you will need to use them when you break the safe in Henesys or Leafre, only between 1400hrs up to 2200hrs (GMT +8). Enter the code of your choice, and if you succeed, you get to win the item displayed on the safe! The next round will start 30 minutes after the prize displayed has been won. MIB Coins will be a consolation prize should you enter the wrong code.
List of Vault rewards available include:
- Hangeul Damage Skin
- MIB Coins
- Lotusroid Coupon
- Burning Badge Coupon
- Gold Richie’s Handkerchief Coupon
- Holo Yeti Pet Coupon
- 50k Maple Points
- Gold Richie Figures acquired on a specific event date and time can only be used on that day.
- You can get only 100 MIB Coins per account, per event date, as consolation prizes.
3. Freud’s Diary Episode 2: The Onyx Pendant

Event Period: 13th January 2016 – 02nd February 2016, 2359hrs (GMT +8)
Minimum level requirement: Level 33+, Zero characters with Chapter 2 completed
Freud has left another artifact, aside from his ring. Accept the quest [Freud’s Diary] The Appearance of a Pendant (Star Icon Notifier > Purple Book Icon, on the left side of the screen) to obtain it, and take on quests to make it grow and evolve it!
Similar to the previous Episode, daily quests will give upgrade stones specifically for the Onyx Pendant, so don’t miss out! Weekly quests will also give other valuable items.
4. MIB Attendance, Season III
Event Period: 20th January 2016 – 23rd February 2016, 2359hrs (GMT +8)
Minimum level requirement: Level 33+
Click the Calendar Icon to get a prompt indicating an available Attendance event and its guide Once per day during the event period, Cassandra will stamp on your attendance after you helped her with her request – to kill 200 monsters around your character’s level range.